Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Influence of Capoeira on Hip Hop Dance Forms Research Paper
The Influence of Capoeira on Hip Hop Dance Forms - Research Paper Example This Afro-Brazilian form is called capoeira, a game of movement in which the intent is to mimic fighting moves to outdo an opponent. Capoeira is uniquely suited for the origins of Hip Hop and aspects of it can be found throughout the culture. According to Emmett George Price, hip-hop evolved in the 1970’s as a reactionary cultural movement based on concepts that evolved from the civil rights movements of the 1960’s (1). Price says that the movement is considered to have begun in the Bronx in New York where the neighborhood had developed into an impoverished, gang-based culture that thrived through violence and criminal behavior (9). The gangs provided a sort of â€Å"family’ for the displaced youths that suffered from inadequacies of all types from low-quality nutrition, poor educational opportunities, and a bleak future outlook. Under the leadership of Afrika Bambaataa who rose to lead a gang named the Black Spades, an alternative to violent conflict between the gangs arose to fill the needs of the adversarial youths. Hip-hop developed from a need to find respect and honor without entering into a battlefield of bloodshed. Hip-hop culture developed through a need to find a way to save a culture from its own violent destruction. As ‘crews’ developed rap and movements intended to outdo rival groups, the appeal began to spread and become commercialized. Where the origins of the music developed for private purposes, the commercial potential began to find its way into the music industry. With the release of Sugar Hill’s Gang’s work titled â€Å"Rapper’s Delight†, the revolution of the music industry began. As the music industry developed, so did the dance associated with the music and the culture worked its way into mainstream American entertainment (Fitzgerald 42). Hip-hop is urban and global, a representation from the poor inner-city youth that has expanded into a multi-million dollar financial benefit.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Strategic Management Of Starbucks Marketing Essay
Strategic Management Of Starbucks Marketing Essay The aim of this project report is to critically analyse the strategic issues being faced by an organization. The organization chosen for this task is the company Starbucks, which will be analysed using relevant concepts reviewed in the module using appropriate theory and models. The report structure would start with a brief introduction to the company Starbucks followed by the strategic issues faced by the firm. The issues are outlined before in the report based on the analysis which has been carried out using the above models. After discussing the current and recent issues facing Starbucks the company analysis would follow which would be supported with relevant theory and application of suitable models. After completing the industry analysis conclusion and recommendations would be provided for Starbucks to counter the strategic problems. The Starbucks Company was founded in Seattle in 1971 by Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker and Zev Seigel with a vision to educate American consumers about the fine coffee drinking experience. In 1987 Howard Schultz took over the Starbucks Group, he wanted to create the Italian espresso bar experience in America by creating a personal relationship between the customers and their coffee. Just within a couple of years they grew from a small coffee business house to a multi-million dollar player in the industry by buying only the best coffee available and providing the people with an unmatched store experience. As standing, Starbucks is number one in the speciality coffee industry, with more than 12,000 shops in more than 35 countries. The Starbucks mission statement is To inspire and nurture the human spirit one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time. Freshly brewed coffee is the main product offered by Starbucks along with other drinks which include cold and hot teas, cakes and pastries. The Starbucks coffee comes in a many varieties each possessing a different taste, aroma and flavour. In addition to its extensive product offerings, Starbucks has many brands including; Starbucks Hear Music, Tazo Tea, Starbucks Entertainment, , Ethos Water, Torrefazione Italia coffee and Seattles Best Coffee. The successful management of all of these brands pulled together constitutes the Starbucks portfolio. Starbucks is also one of the most globally conscious corporations in the world.  In 2006 Starbucks donated $36.1 million in cash and products, volunteered 383,000 hours in local communities, required growers to use strict environmental guidelines, used 20% renewable energy in stores, and actively recycled in almost 80% of stores in US and Canada. Starbucks has established itself as the coffee leader in the world and has done so on a socially and environmentally conscious platform. STRATEGIC ISSUES FACING STARBUCKS The major challenge that Starbucks is dealing with is the current financial crisis in the world economy forcing them to call closures of many stores around the world. Another challenge that Starbucks is dealing with is competitors. There are numerous coffee shops all over the world and being able to stand out to generate customers is important. Their main competitors are Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, and Nestle in the US and brands like Costa Coffee and Caffà ¨ Nero in the UK, the two major markets for Starbucks. It is important that for Starbucks to know their competitors and what they are currently doing. Also Starbuck coffees are priced higher than other market competitors because of Starbucks only purchasing the highest quality coffee beans for their product, thus increasing the price of the drink giving the competitors a cost advantage over Starbucks. Also Starbucks inadequate marketing strategy on advertising is a hindrance in the business growth opportunities. They prefer to build the brand by promoting the drinks cup-by-cup with customers. The advertisement ends until they drink the coffee, reducing the chances to attract valuable customers. Starbucks also does not emphasize on distributing their products to supermarket because of being concerned with the quality of the coffee; if the coffees were packaged into plastic bags. Also the rigorous expansion strategy followed by Starbucks can take a toll on the firms brand image. As corporations grow there can be a tendency to focus too heavily on increasing output and locations, and less focus on quality and brand image. Starbucks needs to stay with its values and ideals that have made it successful. Also Starbucks policy of not franchising can be a cause of concern for the firm. Advantages of Starbucks franchising would be to open hundreds of new stores with less risk to the company, and make profits in doing so. In addition Starbucks would have less research and development costs because the franchisee would have greater knowledge of the local market in terms of demographics, psychographics, geographic, and local/state/country regulations. Consumption of coffee is not dependent on the price of the product but also on the differentiation between each product and several value adding variables such as the quality of customer services, brand, brand recognition and image of the company. Hence, Starbucks is not majorly sensitive to movements of other firms in this segment. 2. THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS Starbuck is the world leader in its industry and has controlled access to distribution channels. Starbucks have exhibited this control over distribution channels by setting guidelines for their suppliers to follow. Starbucks is also constantly innovating and showing strong product differentiation to hamper the possibility of new entrants. However, the entry barrier for the industry is relatively low and any big firm where capital is not a problem could be a potential entrant. Some of the more current and on-going threats of new entrants include fast food chains such as McDonalds, Burger King and Dunkin Donuts which can become a major problem in the near future. 3. BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS A big threat to Starbucks is the absence of switching costs in the speciality coffee industry, customers face no switching costs in switching from Starbucks to Costa Coffee or Caffà © Nero for a cup of coffee. Another threat to Starbucks is that their customers have the ability to brew their own coffee. Starbucks has tried to counter this threat by offering Preferred Office Coffee Providers as well as directions on how to make the perfect cup of Starbucks coffee at home, called the Four Fundamentals of Coffee. The perfect cup of Starbucks Coffee includes, of course, Starbucks ingredients! Also with new entrants and competitors such as McDonalds who claim to offer premium roast coffee of reasonable quality for lower price, it is clear that Starbucks customers have some bargaining power in the industry. 4. BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS Coffee is the worlds second largest traded commodity. South and Central America produce the majority of coffee traded in the world. Starbucks depends upon both outside brokers and direct contact with exporters for the supply of premium coffee beans. The quality of coffee beans sought by Starbucks is very high, proving to be a potential threat to the company. Only suppliers who can meet Starbucks coffee standards will be able to supply the giant company. The supplying industry only has few firms which can deliver the quality giving them considerable bargaining powers. However, Starbucks counters this due to its massive size and being the primary buyer and also because of the importance of Starbucks business to any individual supplier as it would account for a large percentage of the total suppliers sales, thus reducing the bargaining power of suppliers. Starbucks has to effectively pursue a Focus-Based Strategy in conjunction with differentiation and a cost leadership based strategy. Being a lower cost store will increase the difference between Starbucks and provide it with a competitive edge. At present, Starbucks competitors are attempting to specialize in the coffee business, therefore Starbucks must pursue focus strategy to increase its strength. Starbucks must reduce their product price by producing a new product of coffee using cheaper beans or can come out with special discounts and promotions to reduce cost, thus increasing sales enabling Starbucks to enter new low cost markets and increase profitability. Also needs to focus on building alliances in new markets/countries to reduce management focus and benefit from the local and experience curves. Should focus on advertising the brand through internet services for users to access, do road shows, hand out brochures etc. so that consumers become more aware of the brands strong international presence and brand name. Market penetration and market development will help increase the sales. Access unexplored distribution channels like making available packaged Starbucks coffee for consumers by displaying it nationwide in various convenience and shopping stores and not only Starbucks stores. Starbucks must adopt twin policies of Product Development and Product-Market Diversification to counter the stiff competition in international markets. It is important to understand this in the product development phase as they would need to focus solely on making their existing products better. The company can demonstrate product and market diversification through research and development coupled with creativity and innovation. Product differentiation has proven an excellent defence against threats such as bargaining power of buyers. Developing new products will offset such potential risks. A strategy should be formulated to tackle the competition by entering into agreements, long-term contracts, with the food service companies that they are competing against. This way their coffee would be sold at these outlets and they would gain access to new markets and increase sales while decreasing competition. Starbucks should continue to be a first mover into markets with new products and ideas. Being a first mover of new products into new international markets will be an excellent way for Starbucks to build customer loyalty and uphold its image as an innovative company. Starbucks should continue to locate their operations in high traffic areas, high visibility areas. The company should continue to take excellent care in picking locations. It is extremely important that Starbucks international stores reflect uniqueness in their location and layout. Having locations in a variety of locations will ensure large market exposure.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Mr. :: essays research papers
In September 1998, Steven Spielberg received the Knight Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany from President Roman Herzog, who expressed Germany's appreciation to the American Jewish director. "Germany thanks you for work that has given us more than you may realize," said Herzog. The film that made the Germans realize that there were maybe heroes among them would be Schindler's List. Yet at that time, Spielberg's subsequent film was also playing in German cinemas--a film that had as its cornerstone the same verse from the Talmud emblazoned on the screen in Schindler's List: "Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire." In making Saving Private Ryan, Spielberg inverted that principle to show an entire group setting out to save a single--and virtually unknown--soldier, someone more remote to them than Schindler's people were to him. Saving Private Ryan focuses on Captain John Miller's (Tom Hanks) leading a special squadron detailed to find and save the last son of Mrs. Ryan, whose other three boys have perished on three different fronts. The carnage they must face is so often blamed on their quest that, by the time we meet Ryan himself, he all too readily accepts the burden of guilt. Spielberg's ability to look at World War II first this way, then that, has guaranteed him an altar in the magazine/TV/newsprint edifice that enshrines pop culture--where our latest products are sheltered, framed, hung, and subjected to an examination of ourselves within the work of art. The critical establishment seldom bothers to wire in a feed from Europe, where reactions to Hollywood product can alert us to surprising things about the movies themselves, as well as the auteurs behind them. In Germany, for example, the reception of Schindler's List undoubtedly benefitted from the effect of historian Daniel Goldberg tutoring the people in their proper role as willing villains. Spielberg brought relief by focusing on the hero among them and creating a masterpiece dedicated to their past.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Comparison Between the Yellow Wallpaper and Tell-Tale Hearts
Jaime Macias Professor Whalen English 1B 22 October 2012 Critical Thinking Log 2: Short Story #2 Madness within the human psyche goes hand and hand when the names Edgar Allen Poe and Charlotte Perkins Gilman are spoken. The stories â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,†by Edgar Allen Poe and â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman are both prime examples of how 19th century authors provoked the ideas of paranoia and mental deterioration within troubled narrators.These disorders can be compared in reference to when each character makes its discovery, the similarities can be drawn from discovering these comparisons in mental state, and then differences between â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†and â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†can be broadcasted. In â€Å"Tell-Tale Heart,†Poe’s story through the eyes of an obsessive madman, this is very similar to the protagonist in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Gilman. Because of the narrators’ d elusional states, it makes it difficult to differentiate between actual events or from those that occur through the distraught mental state of each narrator.Each character discovers and comes to admittance of their mental disability at different intervals of the stories. â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†has madness declared at the very beginning of the story when the narrator proclaims â€Å"†¦I am mad? The disease had sharpened my sensesâ€â€not destroyedâ€â€not dulled them. †(Poe 81). In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,†Gilman gradually develops the obsession and the disorder in the narrator’s mental state. The narrator describes the house they have moved into for the summer in the beginning as being, â€Å"The most beautiful place! â€Å"It is quite alone, standing well back from the road, quite three miles from the village. †(Gilman 88). As the narrator examines every inch of the house, she comes to the wallpaper and that’s when the obsession begins. â€Å"I never saw a worse paper in my life. †She continues by stating â€Å"One of those sprawling, flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin. †(Gilman 89) It is here where she describes the wallpaper with detail and begins her descent into mental corrosion. One of the most obvious differences lies in the writing style of Edgar Allen Poe and Gilman, but many of the ideas circle around similar topics.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
JetBlue †Start from Scratch
One of JetBlue’s top priorities is its workforce. Managing this sector of the company is very essential in order for them to achieve their goals. Human resource management is responsible for how people are treated in organizations. It is accountable for bringing people into the organization, guiding them perform their work, compensating them for their labors, and solving problems that arise. There are seven management functions of a human resources (HR) department these are staffing, performance appraisals, compensation and benefits, training and development, employee and labor relations, safety and health, and human resource research. Equal Employment Opportunity Laws Employment law is a broad area encompassing all areas of the employer/employee relationship except the negotiation process covered by labor law and collective bargaining. Employment law is governed by thousands of federal and state statutes, administrative regulations, and judicial decisions. Some of the topics included in employment law include: †¢ Collective Bargaining †¢ Employment Discrimination †¢ Unemployment Compensation †¢ Pensions †¢ Workplace Safety †¢ Worker's Compensation (US Legal Definitions) The hiring practices of JetBlue shows their compliance to the following equal employment opportunity laws: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Second the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), which protects men and women who perform substantially equal work in the same establishment from sex-based wage discrimination. Third is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) prohibited employers from discriminating against individuals who were 40 to 65 years old. As the paper progresses, it can be determined how these laws impact the hiring practices of JetBlue. Recruitment Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient number, and with appropriate qualification, to apply for jobs with an organization. (Mondy, 2008, p. 126) Both the job description and the job specification are useful tools for the staffing process, someone or some event within the organization usually concludes a need to hire a new employee. In large organizations, an employee requisition must be submitted to the HR department that specifies the job title, the department, and the date the employee is needed. From that point, the job description can be referenced for specific job associated qualifications to present more detail when advertising the position either internally, externally, or both the HR department should not only attract qualified applicants through job postings or other forms of advertising, but it also assists in selecting candidates' resumes and bringing those with the proper qualifications in for an interview. The final decision in choosing the candidate will probably be the line manager's, assuming all Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requirements are met. Other continuing staffing responsibilities entail planning for new or changing positions and evaluating current job analyses and job descriptions to ensure that they accurately reflect the current position. Internal Recruitment Human-resource planning is the first step in effective human-resource management as it involves forecasting the human-resource needs of the organization and planning certain useful and important steps that the organization must take in order to meet those human resource needs that will contribute a high percentage for its overall success as human-resource planning should be connected to the organization’s strategic objectives and mission. (Butensky and Harari, 1983) Anne Rhoades, Executive Vice President for People of JetBlue, started her portion of the orientation program by describing the three things that she believed all employees had to do if they were to be successful with JetBlue: 1. They had to show up and be production 2. They had to be safe, which meant no alcohol or drugs 3. They had to be customer-oriented. Anne Rhoades, also developed a customized human resource management approach that adapted jobs pay and benefit packages to distinct needs of different employee groups, but was deliberated to guarantee overall equity in treatment. Some employee groups were concerned about current compensation while others worried about retirement. Employees will not receive the same package. In Rhoades’ view, conventional HR departments often do what makes their lives easier, not what the employees necessarily want. The objective at JetBlue was to provide customized pay and benefit packages that met or exceeded the industry standard. There are no probationary periods because benefits started from day one, which Rhoades found probationary period associated with unions because it is actually demeaning for the employees. Benefits for full time employees included medical benefits and personal time off relatively than the conventional holidays with double pay for those who worked on the holidays. These customized employment packages gave JetBlue the able to attract and keep good employees and became JetBlue Internal recruitment. Happy employee would tell others in the industry. An example of the can be seen in the internal recruitment of pilots, because JetBlue cover the cost of the seven weeks of pilot training for qualification on the A320 airbus at a cost of roughly $30,000, by word of mouth this traveled to other pilot in the industry, and there would apply of the position at JetBlue (Gittle & O’Rielly 2001) External Recruitment In the beginning David Neeleman, the founder of JetBlue, recruited his management team from the veterans of the industry who were looking for a chance to start from scratch and â€Å"do it right†. His record of success in the industry and the funding he had, able Neeleman to recruit some of the industry’s top management talent, namely Ann Rhoades, JetBlue executive vice president of human resources. Most of their job vacancies are filled by recruiting people from outside the company or those workers from another firm or organization, people who have never worked before, or people who are unemployed. The reservation agents were recruited from ads in the Salt Lake City Newspaper. From the ad in the Salt Lake City Newspaper JetBlue has a waiting list of 2,500 interested applicants. In order to attract potential employees outside the company, the customized employment packages Personnel Selection In an interview with a mechanic, he was asked to think of a time that â€Å"integrity†was an issue in his previous employment, he answered as a junior mechanic that he got a plum job at major airline, he was pressured to confirm an aircraft for an international flight, even though it was not in complete compliance. He then declined to â€Å"sign-off†on the airplane and the flight was delayed, which caused annoyance to the management. The mechanic was afterward let go and that reflects the displeasure of his superiors, but he was hired by JetBlue despite of the story, because he was able to prove that he manifested the value of integrity. At another interview scenario, wherein a pilot was asked to talked about a time he or she had a customer request which is in conflict with the policies of the company and what actions he/she had taken, but with an answer that reflects arrogance, the potential hiring of the pilot was refused, mainly because JetBlue is not only looking for skills but a great deal for character and attitude. Performance Appraisal Another function of the human resource management comes in when a talented employee is brought into an organization and it is creating an environment that will motivate and reward commendable performance. One way to evaluate performance is through a formal review on a periodic basis, generally annually, known as a performance appraisal or performance evaluation. Line managers are usually the ones who conduct the appraisals because line managers are in daily contact with the employees and can best measure performance. Other evaluators of the employee's performance can include subordinates, peers, group, and self, or a combination of one or more (Mondy and Noe, 2008 p. 250). To influence employees' performance, they should be aware of how and why the company exists and to know the company's aspirations. The employees should show-up and be productive, they had to be safe, meaning they should not be under the influence of neither alcohol nor drugs and they should also be customer-related and as the company grow, they should have more formal trainings and development processes for the employees. Employee attitudes are the final factor that determines productivity and may well have the strongest effect on the productivity of the organization. Because employees are the means by which the organization's goals are attained, they compel a company's success or failure. Employees' abilities and motivation are as important as their educational levels. To some degree, workers' efficiency is also accustomed by their political, social, personal, and religious beliefs, factors which can be deepened either positively or negatively by management practices and policies. 360-Degree Feedback. Methods of performance appraisal that involves evaluation input from multiple levels within the firm as well as external sources. Multiple raters makes the process more legally defensible. (Mondy, 2008, p. 253) Moving away from traditional feedback system where only a single manager or supervisor evaluates an individual based on their overall perspective of performance, and instead seeks input on specific competencies from several people who have a working relationship with the individual being assessed; JetBlue makes use of the 360-degree feedback evaluation as a performance appraisal method. This method provides objective, well-rounded views, expressed by a number of colleagues, Increases involvement of people at all levels of the organization, direct reports and peers, rather than managers/supervisors are better to judge some skills, such as leadership, increases understanding of the behaviors required to improve both individual and organizational effectiveness, individuals can better manage their own performance and careers, evaluators are able to respond confidentially and anonymously, feedback can provide organizational value, allowing the company to identify needs and set goals for organizational development and internal training. JetBlue being sensitive to communication within the firm, adopts the 360-degree feedback evaluation, the management ensures having ‘one-on-one' conversations at least once a quarter in their 20 locations. The supervisor is considered to be an important component of communicating with the front-line, from this view, JetBlue formed the Tiger Teams which would initiate communication to solve problems that a raised in any area of the company. They referred their employees as â€Å"crew member†and the supervisors as â€Å"coaches†being sensitive to the power of language. JetBlue is able to unite its people as a team, wherein everyone communicates and participates to solve a problem, instead of blaming someone and not doing anything at all, from this point, JetBlue will be able to assess which employees are proactive and receptive when it comes to problem solving, they can measure the employees’ aptitude in order to determine who deserves appraisal on their work performance. Financial Compensation Financial compensation for employees can be determined by having high consideration to the following factors: productivity associated with employee performance, employees’ flexibility in responding to company’s internal and external changes, and the level of their organizational competencies and on their perceived value at a particular given time. These three factors can be effective use in the performance appraisal as these set the criteria in evaluating the employees. Compensation can be a catch-22 because an employee's performance can be subjective by compensation and benefits, and vice versa. In the ideal circumstances, employees feel they are paid what they are worth, are rewarded with sufficient benefits, and receive some intrinsic satisfaction. Compensation should be legal and ethical, adequate, motivating, fair and equitable, cost-effective, and able to grant employment security (Mondy, 2008, p 314). Discretionary Employee Benefits The law requires some benefits, but organizations voluntarily provide numerous other benefits such as: Paid Vacation There are no U. S. laws that require employers to offer vacation pay. Whether an employer offers vacation time off with or without pay is strictly voluntary for employers, but many offer it as a benefit to attract and keep employees. If employers do offer vacation pay, the terms regarding an employee's rights to it is governed by the individual employer's policies or employment contracts. Some states have laws requiring an employer to offer any accrued vacation pay when employment ends. However, failure to follow an employer's guidelines regarding termination of employment, such as giving notice, may deny the employee's right to accrued vacation pay. (us legal definition) Sick Pay and personal days Sick leave and personal days are a form of employment benefit in the form of paid time off for illness or to deal with a personal/private matter. Since nearly everyone occasionally needs such time off, all businesses should have a clear policy established regarding sick leave and personal days. A sick day is fairly self-explanatory and can be used for everything from a common cold to a more serious illness that could require hospitalization or even surgery. Personal days can cover things like the illness of a child, a death in the family, jury duty, military obligations, or religious holidays. Most companies also allow vacation time for employees in addition to their set amount of sick leave and personal days. (US legal definition) Education Assistance Educational Assistance is employment benefit in form of reimbursement of Educational courses tuition and/or books that are completed with a grade of â€Å"C†or above. (Mondy, 2008, p 326) JetBlue Discretionary Benefits. JetBlue offers different compensations; along with it are the benefits which include medical coverage, holiday pays, pay for extra working hours without any limitation from any company probations. For JetBlue to craft an esprit de corps that was fun for crew members and customers. This means staying focused on people and keeping the company union free. Anne Rhoades agreed, highlighting that a team environment depends on not having big distinctions between the line and management and work rules. The most important element in managing the company’s human resource is caring. JetBlue wants to care about their people from end to end. It is real and not just pretending. It does not mean there need to stay forever, and it does not mean to give equal training to all. The workforce is the organization's greatest assets; without them, everyday business functions such as managing cash flow, making business transactions, communicating through all forms of media, and dealing with customers could not be completed. The employees and the potential they possess drive an organization. Today's organizations are constantly changing. Organizational change impacts not only the business but also its employees. In order to maximize organizational efficiency, human potential individuals' capabilities, time, and talents must be managed. Human resource management works to ensure that employees are able to meet the organization's goals. JetBlue makes use of a very unique way of managing their human resource. They are indeed unconventional and exceptional in hiring and compensating employees. It is evident enough to conclude that their human resource management is indeed effective and efficient because within less than 10 years of existing in the airline industry, they were able to make a name, because of their success and they are able to have sustained growth along the years all because of having a productive environment for their well-motivated employees. It is also clearly evident that JetBlue is socially responsible when it comes to hiring people, because they are able to provide equal employment opportunities for diverse groups of employees, ranging from those who want short term to long term employment, from students, to graduates and to those who are working home-based who may want to have extra income for their households, JetBlue offers excellent compensations and benefits.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Love Lost And Loved Again...or Do You Really
Loved And Lost and loved again†¦or do you really? When I was fifteen years old, I fell into something so weird and crazy. It was love. I never wanted the feeling to leave but when it abandoned me, like a dog that lost a limb, I didn’t think I would ever want to grasp that feeling again. So, what I did I was took that love I had, wrapped it in a metal box, chained it to a rock, and dropped it deep in the ocean of my heart. Now that I am older, I’m searching for my box and can’t seem to find it. It’s sad to say but when dropping an emotion so important as love, one must be prepared to have to dig deep within the recesses of the human heart. The most unexpected person came along to rescue my heart before it was lost forever, my son. The love from him will never fade like so many other types of love. I cherish him and will respect our love forever. I realize that from the first tug of the heart until one finds the joy of experiencing the excitement of lasting love with a soul mate, there will be the valley and mountaintop experiences. Therefore, he or she must not become discouraged while waiting for that certain someone. Mr. or Ms. Right surely is on the way. I have been at a point where I thought if I put a guard around my heart, I could keep out all the unwanted pain and hurt. But somehow, while keeping a watch out for those well defined males with their smooth lines and hard bodies, the swift feet have a way of slipping in the back door. Who has the answers when it comes to love? After all is said, and done a broken heart has a way of making one lose hope and faith. The pieces of a broken heart can be so fragile, and gentle hands massaging it with tender loving care only can repair it. Sometimes those hands are so tiny but are rich with healing power. Hands still discovering there own potential determine to carry weighty packages to lighten the load. The wonder of it all is that without plan or preparat... Free Essays on Love Lost And Loved Again...or Do You Really Free Essays on Love Lost And Loved Again...or Do You Really Loved And Lost and loved again†¦or do you really? When I was fifteen years old, I fell into something so weird and crazy. It was love. I never wanted the feeling to leave but when it abandoned me, like a dog that lost a limb, I didn’t think I would ever want to grasp that feeling again. So, what I did I was took that love I had, wrapped it in a metal box, chained it to a rock, and dropped it deep in the ocean of my heart. Now that I am older, I’m searching for my box and can’t seem to find it. It’s sad to say but when dropping an emotion so important as love, one must be prepared to have to dig deep within the recesses of the human heart. The most unexpected person came along to rescue my heart before it was lost forever, my son. The love from him will never fade like so many other types of love. I cherish him and will respect our love forever. I realize that from the first tug of the heart until one finds the joy of experiencing the excitement of lasting love with a soul mate, there will be the valley and mountaintop experiences. Therefore, he or she must not become discouraged while waiting for that certain someone. Mr. or Ms. Right surely is on the way. I have been at a point where I thought if I put a guard around my heart, I could keep out all the unwanted pain and hurt. But somehow, while keeping a watch out for those well defined males with their smooth lines and hard bodies, the swift feet have a way of slipping in the back door. Who has the answers when it comes to love? After all is said, and done a broken heart has a way of making one lose hope and faith. The pieces of a broken heart can be so fragile, and gentle hands massaging it with tender loving care only can repair it. Sometimes those hands are so tiny but are rich with healing power. Hands still discovering there own potential determine to carry weighty packages to lighten the load. The wonder of it all is that without plan or preparat...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Howard Hughes
Howard Hughes Throughout the 20th century, it has been the media’s job to pinpoint what events and people would prove to be an effective story. This was certainly the case for Howard R. Hughes. Son to the wealthy Howard Hughes Sr., Howard became the interest of the American people and newspapers for most of his life. Being deemed one of the most famous men of the mid-20th century was greatly attributed to Hughes’s skills as an industrialist, aviator, and motion-picture producer combined with his enormous wealth, intellect, and achievement. The media thrived on Howard’s unusual and sometimes scandalous life, especially in his later years when newspapers would frequently front large amounts of money to get stories on Hughes. Howard was also associated with what has been called one of the greatest publishing hoaxes in history. Howard Hughes Sr., commonly known as Big Howard, was a graduate of the Harvard School of Law, yet never once appeared before a court of law. Big Howard spent the first 36 years of his life chasing money across the Texas plains, as a wildcatter and a speculator in oil leases, working hard enough and earning just enough to move on to another, hopefully more fortunate gamble. In the year of his marriage, Big Howard sold leases on land that proved to have $50,000 in oil beneath it. He promptly took his new wife to Europe for a honeymoon, and returned exactly $50,000 poorer. In 1908, Big Howard turned his ingenuity and his hobby to tinker into good fortune. Current drilling technology was unable to penetrate the thick rock of southwest Texas and oilmen could only extract the surface layers of oil, unable to tap the vast resources that lay far below. Big Howard came up with the idea for a rolling bit, with 166 cutting edges and invented a method to keep the bit lubricated as it tore away at the rock. Later that year, Big Howard produced a model and went into business with his leasing partner, Walter ... Free Essays on Howard Hughes Free Essays on Howard Hughes Howard Hughes Throughout the 20th century, it has been the media’s job to pinpoint what events and people would prove to be an effective story. This was certainly the case for Howard R. Hughes. Son to the wealthy Howard Hughes Sr., Howard became the interest of the American people and newspapers for most of his life. Being deemed one of the most famous men of the mid-20th century was greatly attributed to Hughes’s skills as an industrialist, aviator, and motion-picture producer combined with his enormous wealth, intellect, and achievement. The media thrived on Howard’s unusual and sometimes scandalous life, especially in his later years when newspapers would frequently front large amounts of money to get stories on Hughes. Howard was also associated with what has been called one of the greatest publishing hoaxes in history. Howard Hughes Sr., commonly known as Big Howard, was a graduate of the Harvard School of Law, yet never once appeared before a court of law. Big Howard spent the first 36 years of his life chasing money across the Texas plains, as a wildcatter and a speculator in oil leases, working hard enough and earning just enough to move on to another, hopefully more fortunate gamble. In the year of his marriage, Big Howard sold leases on land that proved to have $50,000 in oil beneath it. He promptly took his new wife to Europe for a honeymoon, and returned exactly $50,000 poorer. In 1908, Big Howard turned his ingenuity and his hobby to tinker into good fortune. Current drilling technology was unable to penetrate the thick rock of southwest Texas and oilmen could only extract the surface layers of oil, unable to tap the vast resources that lay far below. Big Howard came up with the idea for a rolling bit, with 166 cutting edges and invented a method to keep the bit lubricated as it tore away at the rock. Later that year, Big Howard produced a model and went into business with his leasing partner, Walter ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Avogadros Number - Example Chemistry Problem
Avogadros Number Chemistry Problem Avogadros number is used in chemistry when you need to work with very large numbers. Its the basis for the mole unit of measurement, which provides an easy way to convert between moles, mass, and the number of molecules. For example, you can use the number to find the number of water molecules in a single snowflake. (Hint: Its an enormous number!) Avogadros Number Example Problem - Number of Molecules in a Given Mass Question: How many H2O molecules are there in a snowflake weighing 1 mg? Solution: Step 1 - Determine the mass of 1 mole of H2O Snowflakes are made of water, or H2O. To obtain the mass of 1 mole of water, look up the atomic masses for hydrogen and oxygen from the Periodic Table. There are two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen for every H2O molecule, so the mass of H2O is: mass of H2O 2 (mass of H) mass of Omass of H2O 2 ( 1.01 g ) 16.00 gmass of H2O 2.02 g 16.00 gmass of H2O 18.02 g Step 2 - Determine the number of H2O molecules in one gram of water One mole of H2O is 6.022 x 1023 molecules of H2O (Avogadros number). This relation is then used to convert a number of H2O molecules to grams by the ratio: mass of X molecules of H2O / X molecules mass of a mole of H20 molecules / 6.022 x 1023 molecules Solve for X molecules of H2O X molecules of H2O ( 6.022 x 1023 H2O molecules ) / ( mass of a mole H2O  · mass of X molecules of H2O Enter the values for the question:X molecules of H2O ( 6.022 x 1023 H2O molecules ) / ( 18.02g  · 1 g )X molecules of H2O 3.35 x 1022 molecules/gram There are 3.35 x 1022 H2O molecules in 1 g of H2O. Our snowflake weighs 1 mg and 1 g 1000 mg. X molecules of H2O 3.35 x 1022 molecules/gram  · (1 g /1000 mg )X molecules of H2O 3.35 x 1019 molecules/mg Answer There are 3.35 x 1019 H2O molecules in a 1 mg snowflake. Avogadros Number Problem Key Takeaways Avogadros number is 6.02 x 1023. It is the number of particles in a mole.You can use Avogadros number to convert between mass and the number of molecules of any pure substance.If you are given the mass of a sample (such as a snowflake), convert the mass to moles, and then use Avogadros number to convert from moles to molecules.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
In Support of the Distracted Driving Bill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
In Support of the Distracted Driving Bill - Essay Example The concern of others like Mr. Sauer have been heard. But our state congress has decided that it is not important an issue enough for them to pay attention to. But there are some, like state Sens. John McGee and Les Bock who sponsor the â€Å"Distracted Driving â€Å" bill . We need to protect our motorists from the misuse of the very technology was that created to help save lives before it claims any more lives in the future. Although the bill has widespread public support, it died because of politicking or, in the words of Conservative activist Wayne Hoffman who considered it a â€Å"â€Å"stupid law†that was difficult to enforce because no one can tell if a driver is texting or just twiddling his thumbs. â€Å" (Russel, 2010). The time has come however, to revive this bill and pass it in the state senate. Consider that cellular phones now come with hands free kits for cars and you begin to wonder why a driver would rather type out words while driving when he can always speed dial a number. The National Safety council statistics on texting while driving show that at â€Å"least 200,000 crashes a year are caused by drivers who are texting. â€Å" (Graham, 2011). These accidents are usually caused because texting drivers have proven to have a slower response time than drunk drivers. Texting while driving accidents also come at a financial cost to the driver. In these days of economic problems, the last thing one would want to see is an increase in his insurance premiums, which is exactly what happens each time a driver is involved in a distracted driving incident. further information from car insurance (2011) explains that the economic impact is quite high and that , â€Å"avoiding accidents is the only way to keep rates manageable as even one accident boosts your premium by about 10%, subsequent accidents quickly mount to 30, 50 and then eventually almost doubling your costs by your third accident. â€Å" Then there are also the legal implications of the accident. Although there are only fines involved for such accidents, the guilty party will now have a police record and have to show up in court even if only to pay the fine and face the possibility of other punishments or legal actions that may be enforced within criminal or civil courts for any damage to property, or physical being that may have been incurred. The American culture of risk taking is definitely at the forefront of the distracted driving problem. Looked at in the historical context, texting while driving accidents comprise 21 % of adult driving accidents while 46% of teens admit to the same. (car insurance, 2011). Even the leaders of the transportation sector see the need for specialized anti- texting while driving laws quoting the fact that â€Å"sixty Idaho fatalities resulted from distracted driving crashes in 2009, representing 27 percent of all crashes. â€Å" (2011). It is easy to see how such accidents can have a cost ly toll on the finances of a person. After all, distracted driving affects 3 driving components: visual, manual and cognitive. (Harmer, 2011). The Idaho Press Tribune (2011) states that those who do not support the bill do so because our police officers can issue tickets for violation of reckless driving due to â€Å"circumstances where the conduct of the operator has been inattentive, careless or imprudent.â€
Friday, October 18, 2019
Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 26
Education - Essay Example nderstand the role of language in the learning process as supported by McConachie and Petrosky (2010) who claim that â€Å"content knowledge cannot be separated from the language to represent it†(p.4). Van Lier and Walqui (2012) also stress the importance of content language by asserting that student comprehension of numerical, graphical and algebraic illustrations is in many cases a product of verbally working out the problems the help of a teacher or peer then articulate such understanding through language. However, even as student’s grasp of the technical language is important, this must be enabled through a well-prepared lesson plan. Therefore, giving student teachers adequate time and flexibility to assess student needs is essential as it allows a teacher to undertake adequate background check on students’ prior academic learning. A teacher trainee can also undertake a reconciliation of state standards and the various developmental, personal and cultural dispositions of the students in order to create teaching resources and approaches that reflect to specific needs of the students (Feiman-Nemser, 2003). Although the requirements of the New York education department through the curriculum provides important guidelines for a teacher to identify essential teaching and learning experiences for the learners, there are some differences at the level of school and individual students that must be considered when planning for a lesson. Therefore, the requirements for a lesson p lan provide teachers with the power to determine complexities that might require changes for them to be implemented successfully. Videotaping of the teaching process helps in creating evidence that the teaching process actually took place. However, this has no real value to educators especially since it provides room for teacher trainees to edit the content until they feel they have a perfect copy. Therefore, the videotape can be considered as being unnecessary for educators, as there are
Assistance according to Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing Assignment
Assistance according to Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing - Assignment Example Eating and drinking are integral parts of human existence, and this is a very important part of activities of daily living in Roper model of living. I was given to understand that as a nurse, I have a primary role within the multidisciplinary team to ensure that my patient receives food, fluids, and adequate nutrition when he is under my care. My plan also involved educating him regarding a healthy diet. This patient had difficulty in eating and drinking due to stroke and resultant paralysis. Being fully aware that it was primarily my responsibility to feed him and ensure that he meets his nutritional requirements, I first assessed his clinical situation. Although I assisted him in feeding and drinking, my goal was to help achieve his independence in terms of eating and drinking. During illness, the nutritional demands of the patients are usually high. By assisting him with his nutrition, I was attempting to improve his poor nutritional status that could hasten his recovery. As a nurse, I had a role in the prevention of his malnutrition. While executing this, my role was also to identify the risks and plan the intervention accordingly. Given the patient’s clinical status of post-stroke alterations in the structure of facial disfigurement, psychological alterations of post-stroke depression, and environmental alterations in terms of the hospital setting, I had to design the plan of feeding. This skill would eventually include screening and assessment of client’s nutritional needs, care planning and implementation, evaluation of care and necessary changes, creation of a conducive environment, assistance to eat and drink such as setting the table at proper height under appropriate illumination giving small quantity of food at a time, obtaining food , presentation of food, monitoring of nutrition, and educating the client to have appropriate nutrition.
12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
12 - Essay Example One example from history is the interaction between Europeans and American Indians in the colonial period in 1492 when 1-7 million American Indians lived in North America and European hunters migrated from northeast Asia into Alaska. They interacted with the native people through trade and agriculture. The Spanish and French are said to have developed good harmonious relations with the native people. The Spanish worked towards converting them into Catholicism after 1600. The English interaction with the American Indians was rather complex which involved mostly warfare and alliances. Another good example of cultural interaction is the development of understanding between Western and non-Western cultures over time. Non-Western cultures have adopted Western modernization without abandoning their own cultures, religious values and practices. Global trade has helped enhance this understanding. Both cultures have made efforts to start active communication across them and the pioneers of th is understanding are the philosophers of both the cultures who took extraordinary interest in the other culture to spread
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Shopping Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Shopping Motivation - Essay Example however behind all these characteristics, the motivation to buy is one of the key variables which contribute towards shaping the overall strategies for marketing. Thus, analyzing and understanding different shopping motivations allow managers to help them better their segmentation policies as well as the development of new and more penetrating retail marketing strategies. (Wagner,2007). The traditional research in this area however, remained focused on the interaction of consumers with the physical market places to make their buying decisions however, over the period of time, as the new forms of markets and marketing evolved, the scope has broadened and currently research in this area also focus on the different motivations of consumers while making purchase decisions in different market settings. This paper will attempt to study and anlyse different shopping motivations that exists when consumers make buying decisions. This paper however, also takes into consideration Means End Chain and its links to the Goal Directed Theory while presenting analyzing various shopping motivations. According to dictionary definition of Consumer, a consumer is one who consumes an economic good. A consumer is generally thought of as a person who identifies a need or desire accordingly makes a purchase. Thus, a consumer is a person who first identifies or feels the need for something and then after going through a mental process decides to whether buy or not buy certain goods or services. Thus a consumer is generally thought of as a person who identifies a need or desire accordingly makes a purchase. However, there are different factors which influence that mental process of deciding what to buy and what not to buy and a good marketer will always attempt to understand that mental process and then design strategies to influence that decision making process. Thus, no matter who are we in life (a child, a parent, a student, a worker, a business owner, a lover, etc.) we buy and consume things which makes us consumers. We buy different products (tangible and intangible) for many reasons (to eat, to wear, to watch, to play, to travel, to keep in good shape and to feel secure). Hence, the consumption activity is essential and primary part of our daily life and we as consumers attempt to consume according to our needs, wants and purchasing power. (David, 1997). However, there is a certain process, as defined above, which takes place in consumer's mind while evaluating a purchase. That process or behavior is often called consumer behavior. Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior can be easily be described as how consumers feel, think, create reasons to select between different alternatives like different brands of goods, or different products. Thus in its essence, consumer behavior is how the external and internal factors influence a consumer to make a buying decision. Consumer behavior, therefore, not only involve the interaction of the consumer with its environment but it also attempt to comprehend the influence of that environment on the decision making p
Comparative analysis of two texts(can be films, short stories, poems) Essay
Comparative analysis of two texts(can be films, short stories, poems) you are free to choose both texts but they should be conne - Essay Example Different audiences interpret different arts differently provided they can draw a connection between their hypothesis and the actual works of art. Among the most conspicuously addressed themes in any work of art is normally the psycogeography. The theme includes the geographical representation of the setting drawing great prominence on the visible geographical aspects of the setting of the work of art. Events happen in places, to give an effective understanding of the places, writers must always provide an effective description of the places in which they choose to set their works. The geographical factors of a place help the audience conceptualize the possibilities that the writer later claims in his or her works. Additionally, the factors help create a sense of recognition among some audiences with knowledge of the places while it heightens the imagination of those unaware of the places an important feature that helps develop suspense thereby draws either readership or viewership t o the different works of literature. The films Coming to America produced in 1988 and the Saturday Night Fever produced in 1977 are two theatrical masterpieces that employ the use of different literary stylistic devices to ensure success; the films use such elements of literature to depict several similar themes. However, owing the different story lines, the films depict their respective themes differently thereby portraying the both the difference in their film genres and their audience specifications. Set in different times, the films address different societal issues but in the same setting. The two films are set in different parts of the New York City. While Coming to America bases its storyline on the life in the expansive Queens region, Saturday Night Fever is set in Brooklyn. His two films address the different themes differently, key among the themes, which are in both films are psychogeography, living cities, and urban landscapes. Owing to the different messages in the film s, the writers address the themes differently thereby achieving relative successes in developing their work. Coming to America begins in an imaginary setting, a Kingdom in an underdeveloped African country. The setting in the Kingdom is expansive with flawless natural beauty. The gardens are rife with vegetation creating a clean and ever fresh environment in which wild animals interact freely with humans and other domestic animals. The young prince Akeem has lived in the kingdom all his life and is now of age and ready to marry. His father, the king, presents him with virgins from which he is to pick a bride. He however refuses and decides to find a wife for himself. The writer fuses the desires of the young Akeem with the American society so seamlessly by claiming that the young prince later decides to come to America to find himself a wife. He settles in the sprawling Queens Township from where the contrast in the two settings depicts itself naturally. The African Kingdom is under developed and the population of the people is relative thereby making it conducive for habitation. The obvious lack of infrastructure in the region portray a technological gap that the prince fills up once in America. Life in the African Kingdom is simple and people eat fresh vegetables and fruits readily available in the evergreen gardens. The palace is more opulent and the prince
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Shopping Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Shopping Motivation - Essay Example however behind all these characteristics, the motivation to buy is one of the key variables which contribute towards shaping the overall strategies for marketing. Thus, analyzing and understanding different shopping motivations allow managers to help them better their segmentation policies as well as the development of new and more penetrating retail marketing strategies. (Wagner,2007). The traditional research in this area however, remained focused on the interaction of consumers with the physical market places to make their buying decisions however, over the period of time, as the new forms of markets and marketing evolved, the scope has broadened and currently research in this area also focus on the different motivations of consumers while making purchase decisions in different market settings. This paper will attempt to study and anlyse different shopping motivations that exists when consumers make buying decisions. This paper however, also takes into consideration Means End Chain and its links to the Goal Directed Theory while presenting analyzing various shopping motivations. According to dictionary definition of Consumer, a consumer is one who consumes an economic good. A consumer is generally thought of as a person who identifies a need or desire accordingly makes a purchase. Thus, a consumer is a person who first identifies or feels the need for something and then after going through a mental process decides to whether buy or not buy certain goods or services. Thus a consumer is generally thought of as a person who identifies a need or desire accordingly makes a purchase. However, there are different factors which influence that mental process of deciding what to buy and what not to buy and a good marketer will always attempt to understand that mental process and then design strategies to influence that decision making process. Thus, no matter who are we in life (a child, a parent, a student, a worker, a business owner, a lover, etc.) we buy and consume things which makes us consumers. We buy different products (tangible and intangible) for many reasons (to eat, to wear, to watch, to play, to travel, to keep in good shape and to feel secure). Hence, the consumption activity is essential and primary part of our daily life and we as consumers attempt to consume according to our needs, wants and purchasing power. (David, 1997). However, there is a certain process, as defined above, which takes place in consumer's mind while evaluating a purchase. That process or behavior is often called consumer behavior. Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior can be easily be described as how consumers feel, think, create reasons to select between different alternatives like different brands of goods, or different products. Thus in its essence, consumer behavior is how the external and internal factors influence a consumer to make a buying decision. Consumer behavior, therefore, not only involve the interaction of the consumer with its environment but it also attempt to comprehend the influence of that environment on the decision making p
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Thesis statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Thesis statement - Essay Example Some employees may require master’s degree in economics or management, knowledge of accounting. Good skills in the field of mathematics and statistics are essential to get the position of business operation manager. Furthermore, the program in administration and management includes leadership skills course. Advanced programs may be oriented on the work in one particular industry. If a specialist wants to have benefits in the labor market he/she may apply for the certification like Certified Manager. Such specialists are valued very high and usually get the desired positions. The work will investigate the field of operation management, the issues specialists face and the skills they should possess. The focus will be made on leadership skills and the skills of relationship building, which are very important in the field of professional management. It is necessary for business operation manager to know the consumer psychology and have good knowledge of organization
Monday, October 14, 2019
Evaluating the performance of tesco plc
Evaluating the performance of tesco plc For this assignment, I ideally considered an organization TESCO. It is a largest supermarket chain in United Kingdom. It employed over 260,000 employees over 1,800 stores. Since its having ample of people, managing human resource would be a great challenge to such company. Therefore I think this is most suitable to go through my study. Jack Cohen founded Tesco in 1919 when he began to sell surplus groceries from a stall in the East End of London. The Tesco brand first appeared in 1924. The name came about after Jack Cohen bought a shipment of tea from T.E. Stockwell. He made new labels using the first three letters of the suppliers name (TES), and the first two letters of his surname (CO), forming the word TESCO. The first Tesco store was opened in 1929 in Burnt Oak, Edgware, and Middlesex. Tesco floated on the London Stock Exchange in 1947 as Tesco Stores (Holdings) Limited. The first self service store opened in St Albans in 1951 (still operational in 2008 as a Metro), and the first supermarket in Maldon in 1956. During the 1950s and the 1960s Tesco grew organically, but also through acquisitions until it owned more than 800 stores. The company purchased 70 Williamsons stores (1957), 200 Harrow Stores outlets (1959), 212 Irwins stores (1960), 97 Charles Phillips stores (1964) and the Victor Value chain (1968) (sold to Bejam in 1986). Founder Jack Cohen was an enthusiastic advocate of trading stamps as an inducement for shoppers to patronise his stores. He signed up with Green Shield Stamps in 1963, and became one of the companys largest clients. Now there are more than 1800 stores running under Tesco. Tesco is being a one of the most important share holder in UK share market UK market share Graph Showing Market Share of Tesco According to TNS World panel, Tescos share of the UK grocery market in the 12 weeks to 10 August 2008 was 31.6%, up 0.3% on 12 weeks to 13 July 2008. The business market share has been rising monthly since its recent low of 30.9% in March 2008. Across all categories, over  £1 in every  £7 (14.3%) of UK retail sales is spent at Tesco. Tesco also operates overseas, and non-UK revenue for the year to 24 February 2007 was up 18% on 25 February 2006. Supermarket Consumer Spend ( £000s) Market Share August 2008 +/- from July 2008 Tesco 6,351,531 31.6% à ¢- ²0.3% Asda 3,410,431 17.0% à ¢- ²0.1% Sainsburys 3,175,543 15.9% à ¢- ²0.1% Morrisons 2,233,137 11.1% à ¢- ¼0.2% The Differing Perspectives of Human Resource Management Today Human Resource Management, which is a very significant functional field of organizational management, has evolved a very board and profound management branch. HRM is the efficient and effective utilization of human resource to achieve goals of an organization. While other resources make things possible only human resource make things happen. As employees have different personalities, different expectation and different abilities, it is difficult to manage them. In fact, HRM is a strategic source of competitive advantage that is more sustainable. Guests Model According to the David Guests (1989-1997) model of HRM has 6 dimensions of analysis: HRM strategy HRM practices HRM outcomes Behaviour outcomes Performance outcomes Financial outcomes The model is prescriptive in the sense that it is based on the assumption that HRM is distinctively different from traditional personnel management. A business can take to HRM many different approaches. Guest(1999) identified two different perspectives of HRM soft and hard, also these perspectives are similar to the tight and loose perspectives which are identified by Handy. According to the soft view of HRM, it explains employees to be a valuable asset to the company. (e.g., it is people that make the difference; the workforce is the most vital asset; human resources are the sole, real, sustainable, competitive advantage or edge.) On the other hand, the hard view of HRM considers that employees are resources to be managed effectively to achieve business objectives. According to Truss, those soft and hard approaches are based on opposing aims. The aim of soft model is to improve the competitive advantage of the company and the individual development of the employee based on the assumption that employees are viewed as a resource working to be trained and developed. In contrast, on the hard model employees are viewed as a cost that has to be managed and the aim of the model is to use the employees to achieve the organization goals. These approaches can also be viewed as tight and loose HRM, which are system based on compliance and commitment. Storeys Definitions The different perspectives can also be seen between the difference of personnel and HRM. Storey (1992) regarded HRM as a set of interrelated policies with an ideal HRM consisting of beliefs an assumption; strategic aspects; line management; key levers and dimension. For those who recognize a difference between personnel management and human resources, the difference can be described as philosophical. Personnel management is more administrative in nature, dealing with payroll, complying with employment law, and handling related tasks. Human resources, on the other hand, are responsible for managing a workforce as one of the primary resources that contributes to the success of an organization. Then, human resources are described as much broader in scope than personnel management. Personnel management is often considered an independent function of an organization. Human resource management, on the other hand, tends to be an integral part of overall company function. Personnel management is typically the sole responsibility of an organizations personnel department. With human resources, all of an organizations managers are often involved in some manner, and a chief goal may be to have managers of various departments develop the skills necessary to handle personnel-related tasks. While HRM concerns the human side of the management of enterprises and employees relations with their firms, Industrial Relations (IR) is comprised of certain actors, certain contexts, and ideology which binds the industrial relation system together and a body of rules created to govern the actors at the work place and work community. This term is a broader concept when compared with labour relations and it is concerned with the systems, rules and procedure used to determine the reward for effort and other conditions of employment. It can be viewed from tripartite perspective. Though the term IR seems to have a more macro view rather than micro view, it can be viewed as a one of the fields of HRM. Therefore we discuss IR under the theme of HRM. Several view points of HRM HRM is the management of people at work in an organization. Human resources are unique as they have expectation characteristics which are missing from all other resources. They have to be managed legally and ethically. Unilever practice this correctly. In management approach, HRM is a responsibility of every manager irrespective of his/her fields of interest a specialization. Though the Unilever has a human resource department led by a human resource manager, it has to serve all managers, non-managers and departments through it expertise. Also HRM is viewed as a system of interrelated functions. For instance job analysis affects recruitment, selection and pay management. When human resource activities are involved as a whole, they from the Unilevers human resource management system. Also HRM is an open system that is affected by the external environment that is composed of various forces which have direct or indirect influences on the organization and its HRM. In case of Unilever, those forces, labour law, trade unions, education system, training system, employee marketsetc affect HRM. Strategic approach to HRM is a recent development in the disciplines of HRM. HRM is called strategic HRM from this view point and the purpose is to generate or enhance competitive advantage or support achievement of strategic business needs. When it comes to Unilever, there also HRM is fully integrated with the strategy and strategic needs of the Unilever. Also HRM can be viewed from the proactive approach. Being proactive means acting before a problem occurred. Since there may be situations where problems arise suddenly and no time is available to anticipate, Unilever also recommended proactive HRM to follow whenever it is possible. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is treated a resent development in the field of HRM. It is concerned with those decisions which have a major and long term effect on the employment and development of people in the organization and on the relationship which exist between its management and staff. It is perceived and believed as an advance topic. The purpose of strategic approach to HRM is to generate or enhance competitive advantage or support achievement of strategic business needs and goals. Strategic aspect of HRM has four features which are as follows: HRM is a broad approach to managing people at work based on philosophy of HR. HRM is a major source of competitive advantage. It links to competitive advantage of the organization significantly. HRM policies/functions cohere within themselves and with other functional fields of organizational management. HRM is fully integrated with the strategy and strategic needs of the organization. Also HRM plays an important role in Unilever strategic management. HRM contributes to strategy formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation. Flexibility within the Workplace Flexibility in work is an important key to a company, if the company need employee attraction and not to lose them. Flexibility means the way of working, which means that flexibility can be based on time and location. The flexibility in work can be categorized as follows; Part-Time Workers Part time workers are cheaper to recruit and they are not permanent and cannot involve in management procedures. The rights of part time workers are limited. Fixed/Short-Term Contract Workers Workers who are taken at a specified period as the company need. Outside Contractors/ Sub Contractors Group of workers or individual worker requites from outside the company for a special work at a specific time. Self Employed labour People who work for an exact company as a self employed basis. Agencies An agency which supplies employees to companies which seeks for labour. Get the customer to do the work Without any employee customers fulfil his needs by himself by use of technology. Shift working A continue way of working where employees work according to a time based system. Flex-Time A way of making decision by employee about his working time with in a core time. Job Share A way of sharing once works with other who work full time job on a part time basis. Annualized Hours A number of hours labour is given to employee and he need to complete that within a year. Tele working An easy way of working, by the use of technology employee can work at his own place, home, or even at road. Hot Disking/Hotel ling Employees need to go outside the company for specific job and they have a specific desk for them self in the office for permanently. Home working This is the same as Tele working and work can be carried out in home and this no need of network or communication As shown above flexibility of work can achieve the company a high standard in business and the satisfaction of the employee will be high because they get what they need. The flexibility in work will give advantage as well as disadvantages. Some of them are as follow. Employer view Employee satisfaction will reduce employee strikes etc. High level of outcome can be achieve Cost of employee is low Sometime cost cannot be maintained Employee internal competition will effect on company manufacture process or sales can be continue without a stop. Employee view Employee satisfaction is high Working stress is low There will be a new can do attitude in the business Time can be managed to do personal works Employers will miss use the labour Sometimes salary payment will be postponed. At Tesco, they are giving employees (and not just the women) the chance to work flexibly for years. Flexible working can mean Working part-time, Working from home Job sharing Most who take up the opportunity are parents. But not all One Tesco employee studied at college for his degree and was allowed to work flexibly in order to train more often. Another was given a sabbatical to practice with his rock band. These examples show how Tesco has given flexibility for their employees. When it comes to maternity and paternity packages, Tesco beats many other businesses. Company also believes in educating managers about the merits of employing mums. Work life initiative has been developed many years in response to employee request in Tesco. Tesco believes that this will make employee attraction on the company and the satisfaction will rise above the roof. Tesco sees the flexibility as an important issue because that directly effect on employees and without them company cannot carry out the works. Tesco as a company has arrange different ways of flexibility in work specially for mother who work full time, company has given them a holiday system where they can take holidays without a pre notice. The most of the part time worker in the company are employed in Europe rather than Asia. Form of the Discrimination Discrimination is someone is not treated as fairly to someone else in similar situation or treated differently because they are deferent in some way. Have two types of discriminations. Those are, Direct Discrimination Indirect Discrimination Direct Discrimination Race, sex, nationality of ethnic or national origin, disability are using for treat badly to someone. Indirect Discrimination Occurs when rules, regulations, policy procedures operating, which appears to treat everyone equality has the effect of the disadvantaging certain group and the recruitment is not reasonable. Current Legislations are against Employment Discrimination. There are 3 main legislations. Those are, Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006. Employment Equality (Religion or Bellies) Regulations 2003. Employment Equality (sexual orientation) Regulations 2003. Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 Protect against discrimination on grounds of age in employment and training prohibits direct and indirect discrimination, victimization, harassment and instruction to discrimination. Employment Equality (Religion or Bellies) Regulations 2003 The directive protects discrimination on the ground of religion and belief in employment, vocational training, promotions and working conditions. Employment Equality (sexual orientation) Regulations 2003 The directive protects against discrimination of sexual orientation in employment, Vocational training, Promotions and Working conditions. Proposed Changes to the Law Hours, Rest break and maximum working hours of the week. Most workers have the maximum they should work set down in law under the working time regulations. That guide can get understand rest breaking and rest periods offer employers to workers. Give national minimum wage to employees. Give pension scheme to all workers and increase maximum working age limit. Range of current Initiatives and practices are which focus on equal Opportunities in Employment. Current initiatives are very helpful for build up employer and employee rights. It is very need to work with trade unions. Other hand it is very helpful for give equal opportunities to all employees. Bellow I mentioned some practices for focus on equal opportunities in employment. Opportunity 2000 is aim to increase the quality and quantity of woman employment opportunities both practice and public sector organizations. Codes of practices; there have some codes to practice the pension regulators codes of practice guidelines on how to comply with legal requirements. Disable workers to give flexible works and more job opportunities. Compare and Contrast Equal Opportunities and Managing Diversity Equal Opportunities Concentration on discrimination /unfairness Perceived as an issue for woman and ethnic minorities and people with disabilities. Focus on boosting proportion of minority groups in employment. Strategy has to be main teamed. Emphasis on positive action rather than corporate vision. Managing Diversity Aims to ensure that all employees maximize their potential and contribution to the organization. Concentrates on movement within an organization it is culture and the meeting of business objectives. Concerns all staff and specially managers. Does not rely on positive action and provides a vision. (John P.Wilson workplace diversity and training 2005 page253) Tesco is view the Concept of Discrimination in Employment. Tesco protect their work force discrimination. They have suitable work patterns for employees. Every time they modify their rules and regulations for current social needs. In this time they are giving more job opportunities for female workers. They ignore race, ethnic, colour for recruitments and training promotions. Tesco have specific age limit for recruitments and pension. How is the organization move from equal opportunities to managing diversity? Tesco move from equal opportunities to managing diversity use some activities. Such as internal employee networks, Monitoring programs, Diversity conferences. They build up employee societies for discuss their problems and set solutions. Other hand trade unions are helping solve the employees problems. Management every time monitoring employees efficiency and give more benefits and promotions to them. Performance Management Armstrong and Baron define performance management as A process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organizational performance. As such, it establishes shared understanding about what is to be achieved and an approach to leading and developing people which will ensure that it is achieved. They go on to stress that it is a strategy which relates to every activity of the organization set in the context of its human resource policies, culture, style and communications systems. The nature of the strategy depends on the organizational context and can vary from organization to organization. In other words performance management should be: Strategic it is about broader issues and longer-term goals Integrated it should link various aspects of the business, people management, and individuals and teams. It should incorporate: Performance Improvement throughout the organization, for individual, team and organizational effectiveness Development unless there is continuous development of individuals and teams, performance will not improve Managing Behaviour ensuring that individuals are encouraged to behave in a way that allows and fosters better working relationships. While most firms have a human resources or personnel department that develops and implements HRM practices, responsibility lies with both HR professionals and line managers. The interplay between managers and HR professionals leads to effective HRM practices. For example, consider performance appraisals. The success of a firms performance appraisal system depends on the ability of both parties to do their jobs correctly. HR professionals develop the system, while managers provide the actual performance evaluations. The nature of these roles varies from company to company, depending primarily on the size of the organization. This discussion assumes a large company with a sizable HRM department. However, in smaller companies without large HRM departments, line managers must assume an even larger role in effective HRM practices. HR professionals typically assume the following four areas of responsibility: establishing HRM policies and procedures, developing/choosing HRM methods, monitoring/evaluating HRM practices, and advising/assisting managers on HRM-related matters. HR professionals typically decide (subject to upper-management approval) what procedures to follow when implementing an HRM practice. For example, HR professionals may decide that the selection process should include having all candidates complete an application, take an employment test, and then be interviewed by a HR professional and line manager. HR professionals also consult with management on an array of HRM-related topics. They may assist by providing managers with formal training programs on topics like selection and the law, how to conduct an employment interview, how to appraise employee job performance, or how to effectively discipline employees. HR professionals also provide assistance by giving line managers advice about specific HRM-related concerns, such as how to deal with problem employees. Line managers direct employees day-to-day tasks. From an HRM perspective, line managers are mainly responsible for implementing HRM practices and providing HR professionals with necessary input for developing effective practices. Managers carry out many procedures and methods devised by HR professionals. For instance, line managers: Interview job applicants Provide orientation, coaching, and on-the-job training Provide and communicate job performance ratings Recommend salary increases Carry out disciplinary procedures Investigate accidents Settle grievance issues The development of HRM procedures and methods often requires input from line managers. For example, when conducting a job analysis, HR professionals often seek job information from managers and ask managers to review the final written product. Additionally, when HR professionals determine an organizations training needs, managers often suggest what types of training are needed and who, in particular, needs the training. Health and Safety at Tesco Occupational Health and Safety is an essential element of a successful and sustainable business in todays global village. Consequently, Tesco takes responsibility for Occupational Health and safety very seriously. Sustainable, profitable growth for Tesco is dependent on: Providing consumers and customers with products that are safe in use. Protecting the health and safety of employees and contractors. Managing activities so as to provide care and protection of the environment   To achieve a safe working environment and a world class reputation for Tesco in Health Safety at Work Some companies take some actions in order to retain health and safety in the company. Some may be in success but some companies cant achieve that goal. Tesco achieves health and safety by followings; Developing, designing, operating and maintaining facilities and processes that are safe and without risk to health. Developing, introducing and maintaining systems, which will establish appropriate standards of occupational health and safety and ensure compliance with all applicable legislation and internal Tesco standards by means of regular auditing? Setting annual improvement objectives, targets, and reviewing these to ensure they are being met at company, divisional and departmental levels to ensure continual improvement. Involving all employees in the preparation, review and implementation of this policy and providing appropriate training and safety awareness. Holding management at all levels accountable for the occupational health and safety performance of their staff. Recruitment Process at Tesco Recruitment refers to the process of screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm, or for a vacancy in a volunteer-based organization or community group. While generalist managers or administrators can undertake some components of the recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations and companies often retain professional recruiters or outsource some of the process to recruitment agencies. External recruitment is the process of attracting and selecting employees from outside the organization. The recruitment industry has three main types of agencies: employment agencies, recruitment websites and job search engines, and headhunters for executive and professional recruitment. The stages in recruitment include sourcing candidates by advertising or other methods, and screening and selecting potential candidates using tests or interviews. The proper start to a recruitment effort is to perform a job analysis, to document the actual or intended requirement of the job to be performed. This information is captured in a job description and provides the recruitment effort with the boundaries and objectives of the search. Often times a company will have job descriptions that represent a historical collection of tasks performed in the past. These job descriptions need to be reviewed or updated prior to a recruitment effort to reflect present day requirements. Starting recruitment with an accurate job analysis and job description insures the recruitment effort starts off on a proper track for success. Sourcing Sourcing involves; 1)advertising, a common part of the recruiting process, often encompassing multiple media, such as the Internet, general newspapers, job ad newspapers, professional publications, window advertisements, job centres, and campus graduate recruitment programs; 2) Recruiting research, which is the proactive identification of relevant talent who may not respond to job postings and other recruitment advertising methods done in 1. This initial research for so-called passive prospects, also called name-generation, results in a list of prospects who can then be contacted to solicit interest, obtain a resume/CV, and be screened. Screening and Selection Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communication, typing, and computer skills. Qualifications may be shown through resumes, job applications, interviews, educational or professional experience, the testimony of references, such as for software knowledge, typing skills, numeracy, and literacy, through physiological tests or employment testing. In some countries, employers are legally mandated to provide equal opportunity in hiring. Business management software is used by many recruitment agencies to automate the testing process. Many recruiters and agencies are using an applicant tracking system to perform many of the filtering tasks, along with software tools for psychometric testing. Conclusion Human resource management is an important function not only for Tesco but also for all the companies which manage human power or which deal with people. HRM is a key point for a company for its success if that function fails or malfunctioned the company will fall because the effect of bad HRM are not friendly to the company. Company labour cost will increase and because of that cost of production will rise and the sales will decrease, Because of less Sales Company cannot stay in the market or face the competition. The difficult management function within the company in known as HRM. Lot of studies has carried our around the world by professors and professional authorities in order to maintain a successful HRM in companies This case study is written in order to those companies which need basic knowledge of HRM and for students who want to know the meaning of HRM and how that functions. Tesco is a multinational company that has spread over 25 countries with about 440,000 employees. That much of employees are a asset to a company and the management is very important else employee dissatisfaction will leave to Tesco company down as mention above. HRM is not just a management function like finance management, production management etc, its special because it always deal with real people and they are hard to handle and the understanding in to be there within the company and employee to achieve success in future.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Silent Partner: A Canadianization Dilemma :: Film Movie Movies Canada Silent Partner Essays
The Silent Partner: A Canadianization Dilemma Works Cited Missing As a student of Canadian film, I find great appreciation in films that work to culturally enrich Canada's movie screens. I feel that an honest portrayal of Canadian values and culture is beneficial not only by enhancing the credibility of Canada's film industry, but also by maintaining a voice for the customs held by the Canadian people. For these reasons, among others, it had become very easy for me to dislike Daryl Duke's 1978 film The Silent Partner. Based on the knowledge I had before sitting through numerous screenings of the film, I found a challenge in making any concretely positive statements about it, or the state of Canada's film industry at the time. I asked myself about the effect this film had on Canada's film industry, wondering primarily if the film's success in Canada - it won a total of 6 Canadian Film Awards including best feature and best director - came not from a poignant portrayal of Canadian culture, but rather from a "Canadianization" of the typical American t hriller. I questioned the details of the film's formation, the choices made about talent, and the credibility of the script, and still I found myself forcing out any positive criticisms I might muster. As far as first impressions go, The Silent Partner's was not promising. Perhaps now I must consider an alternate approach to understanding this film. Maybe my difficulty in pinpointing The Silent Partner's positive attributes demonstrates to some extent my current narrow-mindedness on Hollywood-style pictures. I think it's only fair to treat this film as an article of film criticism in order to accurately look at it within the context of a national cinema. And so, let us begin by looking first at the particulars of the Canadian film industry around the time The Silent Partner was released. Maybe afterwards, we'll be able to understand the implications of what audiences saw on that illustrious Canadian screen I feel so emotionally bound to preserving. The code word for success in the late seventies was "international appeal." In a time referred to as "the tax-shelter boom," it was perceived by some that the Canadian film industry had given in. Demoralized by countless relatively unsuccessful attempts at profitability and independence, "Canada's feature film industry had finally succumbed to that old adage: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" (Magder 169). The Silent Partner: A Canadianization Dilemma :: Film Movie Movies Canada Silent Partner Essays The Silent Partner: A Canadianization Dilemma Works Cited Missing As a student of Canadian film, I find great appreciation in films that work to culturally enrich Canada's movie screens. I feel that an honest portrayal of Canadian values and culture is beneficial not only by enhancing the credibility of Canada's film industry, but also by maintaining a voice for the customs held by the Canadian people. For these reasons, among others, it had become very easy for me to dislike Daryl Duke's 1978 film The Silent Partner. Based on the knowledge I had before sitting through numerous screenings of the film, I found a challenge in making any concretely positive statements about it, or the state of Canada's film industry at the time. I asked myself about the effect this film had on Canada's film industry, wondering primarily if the film's success in Canada - it won a total of 6 Canadian Film Awards including best feature and best director - came not from a poignant portrayal of Canadian culture, but rather from a "Canadianization" of the typical American t hriller. I questioned the details of the film's formation, the choices made about talent, and the credibility of the script, and still I found myself forcing out any positive criticisms I might muster. As far as first impressions go, The Silent Partner's was not promising. Perhaps now I must consider an alternate approach to understanding this film. Maybe my difficulty in pinpointing The Silent Partner's positive attributes demonstrates to some extent my current narrow-mindedness on Hollywood-style pictures. I think it's only fair to treat this film as an article of film criticism in order to accurately look at it within the context of a national cinema. And so, let us begin by looking first at the particulars of the Canadian film industry around the time The Silent Partner was released. Maybe afterwards, we'll be able to understand the implications of what audiences saw on that illustrious Canadian screen I feel so emotionally bound to preserving. The code word for success in the late seventies was "international appeal." In a time referred to as "the tax-shelter boom," it was perceived by some that the Canadian film industry had given in. Demoralized by countless relatively unsuccessful attempts at profitability and independence, "Canada's feature film industry had finally succumbed to that old adage: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" (Magder 169).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Fantasy Worlds in The Garden Party and Her First Ball by Katherine Mans
In the short stories ‘The Garden Party’ and ‘Her First Ball’, both written by the well-known New Zealand author Katherine Mansfield, the importance of detail lies in several fields. As Mansfield herself states, â€Å"there is an indefinite value and delight in detail†and this is shown constantly as she uses it much effectively to portray themes, provide us with a contrast between the two different settings and also paint us a clear picture of the protagonists’ fantasy worlds. Mansfield shows and doesn’t tell. In both the short stories, she plunges you straight into the imaginative and personified worlds of the protagonists and then the plot follows. The detailed description of the â€Å"perfect day for a garden-party†depicts Laura’s imaginations and excitement for this whole wonderful occasion. Every little detail such as the â€Å"green bushes bowed down as though they had been visited by the archangels†and the fact that the roses understood they â€Å"are the only flowers that impress people at garden-parties†adds to the angelic aura that Laura seems to have put forward so that we as the readers understand better her excitement and great anticipation. She is untainted by the worldly matters such as class distinctions at this point as she is still in her own imaginative world of â€Å"archangels.†Similarly for Leila in Her First Ball, everything is so magical, exactly the way it is in a fairyland. Everything around her is so strikingly new and enthralling. It is Leila’s first ball, and her first exposition to society. Mansfield describes the young girl’s emotions and excitement in so much detail that it incarcerates us in the quaint fantasy world of Leila. Just like Laura, we also sense Leila’s innocence, because â€Å"her first real partner was th... ...escribed in colours of youth, innocence and purity: â€Å"pink and silver programmes†, â€Å"pink and white flags†, â€Å"pink velvet cloak†, â€Å"pink pencils†and â€Å"pink chairs†. Then the contrast sets in with black dispelling this girlish innocence and the carefree atmosphere: the black velvet cloaks of the mother, the fat man’s black suit and the black night, which is threatening. We are held up in the joy and anticipation of Leila’s first ball and with this detail, Mansfield crushes us. This contrast forces us to conclude that nothing can be held, nothing lasts forever. Whatever era we live in, the impermanence of life is what affects every living thing on this planet. All in all, every minute detail in ‘The Garden Party’ and ‘Her First Ball’ is very much significant in that detail is the medium through which Mansfield ‘speaks to our minds’. Not by telling us, but showing us.
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