Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Character Analysis and pick one of those .William Faulkner, A Rose for Essay
Character Analysis and pick one of those .William Faulkner, A Rose for Emily, and Andre Dubus, Killings - Essay Example Emily has murdered Homer since society executed her autonomy and joy first because of social class and sexual orientation standards. At the outset, the story presents Emily with both profound respect and analysis in light of her group status. Emily has a place with a group of a privileged family that is regarded in the network. At the point when she kicked the bucket, the storyteller expresses that she has gone to where her social class went to, alongside â€Å"representatives of those august names†(Faulkner par.2). She is a Grierson, one of the most regarded names around. The tone of the story blends regard and mocking, in any case. The storyteller portrays the house as he would the Griersons: â€Å"...only Miss Emilys house was left, lifting its difficult and teasing rot over the cotton carts and the fuel pumpsâ€an blemish among eyesores†(Faulkner par.2). The tone difficulties the Griersons for staying unrivaled when they have lost their riches and impact as of now. As the story advances, Emily opens up to the network a bit, which the individuals regard since they feel compassion toward her after her oppressive dad passed on and in light of the fact that she is an old, single lady. The storyteller makes a decision about the Griersons as excessively pleased with themselves. He utilizes the words â€Å"high and forceful Griersons†as opposed to the â€Å"gross, overflowing world†due to the smell originating from Emily’s house (Faulkner standard. 16). It shows how social class influences the group of friends of Emily. Simultaneously, sexual orientation is additionally an issue for Emily. Her dad controlled her life when he was alive. The storyteller proposes this when he says: â€Å"None of the youngsters were very sufficient for Miss Emily and such†(Faulkner standard. 25). Sexual orientation esteems that anticipate that her should regard her father’s choice have transformed her into an old lady. All things cons idered, she opens up a little when she had China-painting exercises and turned out to be impractically associated with Homer. Emily gives her autonomy after her dad
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Relationships with the Dead in Wordsworths We Are Seven and Hardys Di
Associations with the Dead in Wordsworth's We Are Seven and Hardy's Diggingâ â [One] can outlive passing not in a perfect after life however just in a human one. On the off chance that the writer passes on or overlooks his adored, he kills her (Ramazani 131); Thomas Hardy's conviction of the artist's obligation of recognition sets up the reason for his, Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?. [Fearing] he relinquished his own significant other before her demise, Hardy composed the sonnet to accept the remembrance duties of the writer (Ramazani 131). While Hardy attempts to give penance for his wrongdoings by ceaselessly lamenting over his dead spouse, the fuel behind William Wordsworth's We Are Seven, is an issue of being and presence (Trilling 57). This inquiry originates from the reality that nothing was more hard for [Wordsworth] in youth than to concede the thought of death as a state appropriate to his own being (Noyes 60). Regardless of the endlessly various expectations of the artists, Hardy and Wordsworth both portray connections between the living and the de ad in their sonnets; notwithstanding, while Hardy entertainingly caricaturizes how the living overlook the dead, Wordsworth shows a youngster's refusal to recognize the dead as being gone. In their sonnets, Hardy and Wordsworth both inspire the utilization of discussion; nonetheless, the anecdotal discussion in Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?, differentiates the non-anecdotal exchange in We Are Seven. Solid's sonnet utilizes the number show of 'The Unquiet Grave'- a discourse among living and dead (Johnson 48), for this situation, between an expired lady and her canine; Wordsworth's sonnet comprises of a real encounter he had with a young lady when he went through Europe. Strong's readiness to utilize immaterial voices for the expected motivation behind making... ...ument Wordsworth raises, the young lady answers, Nay, we are seven! (Wordsworth 1333). She comes up short on the capacity to acknowledge demise and this [absence] of mindfulness [makes] the sonnet so contacting (Drabble 51). What started as a straightforward ordinary discussion completed as an educational and fairly enthusiastic sonnet. Wordsworth, through a genuine discussion, presents the lack of definition and perplexity which in adolescence go to our thought of death, or rather our powerlessness to concede that idea' (Noyes 60). In direct difference to Wordsworth, who didn't expect to writie a profound, significant sonnet, Hardy knew precisely what he needed to achieve by expressing, Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave. People also effectively expel the dead from their recollections, and Hardy needed to scold his perusers of the significance of recalling the dead; on the grounds that the dead are gone, they ought not be overlooked.
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Recognize a Malignant Narcissist
How to Recognize a Malignant Narcissist Relationships Print How to Identify a Malignant Narcissist By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on January 27, 2020 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW on January 27, 2020 skynesher / Getty Images More in Relationships Spouses & Partners LGBTQ Violence and Abuse While narcissism has been a personality trait that has been around for a long time, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and narcissistic personality traits have been in the public eye more often in recent years. As awareness increases surrounding narcissistic traits, people are wondering if they are dealing with a narcissist rather than someone who is simply selfish, thoughtless, or overly power-seeking in a more general way. Narcissists are a specific type of person and dealing with them is never easy. That’s why it helps to know when you have one in your life and what to expect from interactions with them. This knowledge, recognition, and understanding can provide you with some clues as to how to deal with them in the safest way possible. 1:24 How to Identify a Malignant Narcissist Narcissism vs. Narcissistic Personality Disorder Its important to note that those with narcissistic traits arent necessarily diagnosable with the personality disorder NPD. Personality disorders are stable maladaptive patterns of behavior that involve at least two of the following four areas, according to the American Psychological Association (APA): cognitive (thought patterns), affective (emotional patterns), interpersonal (patterns of relating to others), and impulse-control-based. Personality disorders create an impairment in how people function in their lives and affect an estimated 10 percent of the population in the US, though there are different types of personality disorders. This means that not everyone who has some of these traits is diagnosable with this personality disorder, but they may have a less severe form of this pattern of behavior that can still be problematic and difficult to deal with. How to Spot a Narcissistic Sociopath Types of Narcissists While there is only one official diagnosis for narcissists, there are different variants of narcissism or different types of narcissists, and narcissism comes in varying degrees of severity. A 2012 review of the research on narcissism identified several of these variants including grandiose narcissists, who seem to require excessive praise and attention, and vulnerable narcissists, who tend to have a lot of anxiety and need a lot of supportive attention. Among the variants of narcissism, however, malignant narcissists are by far the most damaging. Beyond merely wanting to focus primarily on themselves and be held in overly high regard by virtually everyone in their lives, they tend to have a darker side to their self-absorption. This subset contains the general traits of NPD including the regular egocentricity, but also some antisocial traits and even a sadistic streak in addition to a poor sense of self and lack of empathy. In fact, some experts see little difference between malignant narcissists and psychopaths in that both have a sadistic, antisocial streak, and very little empathy. There is often some paranoia involved with malignant narcissism as well. Malignant narcissists can be highly manipulative and they dont care who they hurt as long as they get their own way. They see the world in black-and-white terms, including seeing others as either friend or foe. They seek to win at all costs and generally leave a great amount of pain, frustration, and even heartache in their wake. They generally don’t care about the pain they cause othersâ€"or may even enjoy it and experience it as empoweringâ€"and will do what it takes to prevent themselves from loss, inconvenience, or failing to get what they want in any situation. Identifying Narcissists in Your Life While not every person who displays narcissistic traits is a classic “narcissist†in the sense that they have the diagnosable condition of NPD, even those who fail to meet the criteria for diagnosis can create a lot of harm with the traits they do possess. Further, it’s unethical for a trained therapist to diagnose friends and family with NPD (due to potential bias) and it’s certainly not an official diagnosis for a layperson to view the diagnostic criteria and decide that someone they know has a psychological disorder. Narcissists generally resist therapy (which can include diagnosis) because they tend to be happyâ€"far happier than those in their lives because they don’t face the negative consequences of their disorder, their unfortunate targets do. Because discomfort is what generally brings people to therapy, narcissists themselves rarely seek treatment or diagnosis, which means that sometimes we can’t have a firm diagnosis for someone who has NPD, but we can recognize that they “probably†have it based on how closely they appear to fit the criteria. It helps to know this because their behavior can sometimes feel unpredictable but actually does follow a somewhat predictable pattern if you know what to look for. The following is an abbreviated summary of the diagnostic criteria for NPD according to the DSM-V, which is the industry standard for diagnosis of psychological conditions. A grandiose sense of self-importanceA preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.A belief that he or she is “special†and unique and can only be understood by or should associate with similar high-status people and organizations A need for excessive admiration.A sense of entitlement or unreasonable expectation of special treatment or extreme loyalty A tendency to use others for their own needs or wantsA lack of empathy, or unwillingness/inability to recognize and honor the needs and feelings of othersProneness to envy or having a belief that they are envied by othersA sense of arrogance shown in behaviors and/or attitudes Again, while a clinical diagnosis cant be made from observation from friends and family, it helps to know what the criteria are as it can provide an idea of how close someone might be to fitting the profile. A less clinical simpler way to tell if someone in your life may have narcissistic tendencies is to look at signs and symptoms, which are observable traits and behaviors that tend to go hand-in-hand with disorders. Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder, particularly malignant narcissists, generally: Care quite a bit about their appearance and can come across as quite charmingExpect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it, and will discount any evidence that doesnt support their belief of their own superiorityExaggerate their own achievements and talents, even to the point of lyingAre often preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mateAre highly manipulativeTend to project their bad behavior onto others, meaning they may accuse you of the very behavior they are conductingMonopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferiorArent opposed to taking advantage of others to get what they wantFail to see or value the needs and feelings of othersHave no remorse for hurting others and rarely apologize unless it will benefit them in some wayInsist on having the best of everything and believe that they deserve thisArent able to handle criticism and lash out if they feel slighted in any wayHave a poor sense of self and weak ability to regulate their feelings and actionsSecretly feel insecure and have a week sense of self How to Deal With a Narcissist If the description of a narcissist sounds familiar and has you concerned, this is probably a good thing. Knowing that you may be dealing with someone who could hurt you and having some concern for yourself in this situation can help you to protect yourself from the pain that a malignant narcissist can cause, at least to an extent. How does one deal with NPD in a loved one (or in someone they must deal with, like a co-worker)? Fortunately, they are somewhat predictable, so there are a few guidelines that can help. Accept that they will be difficult to deal with. Put some distance between yourself and them whenever possible. This may be challenging as those with narcissistic traits tend to have poor boundaries and resent when you try to set them, but it is healthier for you.Know that if you challenge them directly, they will likely retaliate in any way they can. This may include bringing others into the situation and attempting to turn them against you. This doesnt mean that you agree with whatever the narcissist asks of you, but you may want to find less confrontational ways to communicate your boundaries or disagreements. If you do need to confront the person, try not to do so in front of a large audience or they will want to save face and will feel more threatened, sparking more retaliation.Do not try to change them and dont expect them to change or you will be disappointed.Surround yourself with supportive people as much as possible to absorb some of the negativity you may experience with t his person. Life with a narcissist will never be easy, so its simplest if you can put distance between yourself and this person. However, if this person is a family member or co-worker, this can be more difficult. In this case, it helps to know who you are dealing with and how to handle communication in as healthy a way as possible. How to Recognize Someone With Covert Narcissism
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay about Organized Crime - 1744 Words
Organized Crime Organized crime has always been occupied with a negative label. Perhaps this is due to the constantly changing environment in America as well as the social state of its homeland, Europe. Our society is convinced that the so-called Mafia is a family of pure criminals, pimps, and murderers. Whatever the opinion, there is no doubt that the Mafia played a big part in the history of America and the way Americans view crime today. The origins of the secret society known as the Mafia are believed to be as old as the 9th century (Mafia History). During the 9th century, the Mafias main purpose was to strengthen themselves against enemies, which invaded their homeland in Sicily. It was supposed to create a strong feeling of†¦show more content†¦You come in on your feet and you go in a coffin. Then the new members were asked if they were capable of even killing their own blood family on command (Mafia Life). Along with the ceremony, the mobster was told of the rules he must abide by. T he most important rule in organized crime was the rule called the Omerta. The Omerta is a code of silence. A vow never to reveal any Mafia secrets or member under threat of torture or death (Mafia History). Another rule was the obedience rule. The obedience rule stated that the member must at all times be loyal to the boss or Don. A third law of the Mafia was the assistance to any befriended Mafia faction, no questions asked. A few others included, Avenge any attack on members of the family, because an attack on one was an attack on all, and the last rule was to avoid any and all contact with the authorities (Mafia History). There is still much we don?t know about the Mafia due to the fact that the very first rule when inducted is the Omerta. Along with the many members involved with the Mafia, there were just as many ethnic families that existed if not more. Mafia families were growing very large in 1800?s (Mafia History). The reason for the large swelling of crime in America was because of the vicious increase in foreign immigrants during that time in America. Three million Irish, four million Italians, and four million Jews immigrated to America. They immigrated for aShow MoreRelatedThe Crime Of Organized Crime1649 Words  | 7 PagesWhen I hear the term organized crime, I associate it with â€Å"The Mafia†, â€Å"Scarface†, and â€Å"Cartels†. Organized crime can be defined in a variety of ways. It is an ongoing criminal enterprise that is wisely working to generate profit engaging in illegal activities depending on demand, where its presence is preserve through force, intimidations, and corruption. 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What does it mean that the â€Å"Aquillante Construction Company decided to erect their new offices on the bridge of his nose†? Maybe it means that they are making a fool of sby of Doyle, and ends up killing him Or that they killed himRead Moreorganized crime2317 Words  | 10 PagesProvisions for Definitions of â€Å"Organized Crime†CARLO CAVALIERE 100817631 OCTOBER 1ST 2014 Defining organized crime has proven to be a general difficulty throughout history. The belief of this paper is that definition is crucial, however, at the same time one should identify that within the scope of organized crime, definition has been quite subjective and controversial. The reason why it is important is because the exact way in which organized crime is defined goes a significantRead MoreEssay about Deviance and Organized Crime1454 Words  | 6 Pagesmany forms of deviance. Among the many forms of deviance, organized crime stands out in many aspects of society. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
A Dynamic Structural Design For Web Application - 1641 Words
A DYNAMIC STRUCTURAL DESIGN FOR WEB APPLICATION WITH CATEGORIZATION OF SYSTEMATIC DEMEANOR 1. INTRODUCTION This research is concerned with the study and analysis of dynamic architecture and proposes an improved structural design based on categorization based dynamic architecture. Categorization of systematic demeanor plays a significant role in dynamic structural design of architecture to determine the systematic approach, browsing, performance, accuracy, multimedia access and navigation. By achieving systematic approach, the hierarchical structure is the idea which is behind the categorization technique. The extensive opportunities and convenient software design, and the larger demand for such applications have given rise to a considerable increase in the number of people working on web applications design, Khan 2014. The PHP, J-Query is some of the important scripting languages that were used for web applications development. PHP is a server-side scripting language employed for web development but also considered as a general-purpose programming language. But in the recent times, young keen people have begun to design Web pages with the help of scripting languages without even possessing the knowledge of even the simplest principles of software design. Several authors have introduced different techniques for minimizing the complexity. One of the important methods is the introduction of the design patterns in the PHP and the creation of a new design depending on theShow MoreRelatedNtp Essay1370 Words  | 6 Pages Abstract A REST API is an application program interface that uses HTTP protocol for making requests to a web server, using GET, PUT, POST and DELETE methods on the data. A RESTful API, also referred to as a RESTful web service is based on representational state transfer (REST) technology, an architectural style and approach to communications often used in web services development. Many worldwide used APIs are analysed not to be fully compliant to the principles of HTTP. In this work, I intendRead MoreMy Internship At Clientserver Technology Solutions1746 Words  | 7 Pagesfocused on SOA and ClientServer Architecture Application Development. Some of their products include Customer Sales and Service System, Inventory Billing System, PDF Editor, GlobalJobs4IT. 3. ABOUT THE PROJECT At ClientServer Technology Solutions, I had to work with the Software Development Team on the project which was at it later stages. I was given the chance to check the functionality of the software designed and developed and given the chance to design UML diagrams. My next assigned task was toRead MoreNetwork Archutecture1339 Words  | 5 Pagessensible structure by portraying each one stage in subtle element. It is likewise dependent upon the complete working meanings of the conventions. The structural engineering is emphasized in a circulated processing environment and its unpredictability can’t be comprehended without a structure. Subsequently there is a need to create provisions or systems to design a diagram of a system. The first use of the expression software architecture planning put it particularly in the arranging period of a task.Read MoreThe Mvp Is Derived From Mvc Software Pattern, Pop And Altar 20141836 Words  | 8 PagesMVP Framework The MVP is derived from MVC software pattern, Pop and Altar 2014, that is useful for the structuring of user interfaces. The MVP design pattern separates the view from its presentation logic to allow each to be distinguished separately Qureshi and Sabir 2014, In MVP, the view goes on to become an ultra-thin component whose function is just to be able to offer a presentation to the user. 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Their dynamic process embrace a thorough risk inventory with a diverse set of owners assigned to manage known strategic, financial and occurrence-oriented risks. These managers are charged with evaluating, reviewing, and examining compliance according to Hilti sRead MoreData Security : Cloud Computing1693 Words  | 7 PagesCOMPUTING Introduction: Cloud computing has prompted a movement in how individuals consider IT frameworks structural engineering. Numerous associations today are either executing cloud-based services, or assessing which cloud-based measures they will be portraying later on. As indicated by Gartner Inc. distributed computing is no less compelling than e-business. This sprocess in building design from an undertaking normal server-based framework to a cloud-based framework will have related expensesRead MoreDescription And Description Of A Design Pattern1121 Words  | 5 PagesA design pattern must be represented in a structured manner so that it can be understood clearly and unambiguously. A good description enables the reader to grasp the essence of the pattern. It is expressed formally in terms of a pattern template. Several pattern template formats have been designed and used by researchers. The template used in this research work is based on the POSA book. Its elements and the description of each element are shown in Table 2.1. Element Meaning Name The patternRead More Web Design Essay2598 Words  | 11 PagesWeb Design Introduction When the Internet and World Wide Web were first created, they were designed a research tools and for the distribution of information through information systems networks. But as the use of the Web has become increasingly more complex, the focus on Web pages and their design has initiated a number of major changes. Initially, static Web pages were common, but the focus in recent years has been on the development of dynamic Web pages which are linked to databases andRead MoreThe Importance Of Connectance And The Structural Properties Of The Network830 Words  | 4 Pages4. Stability Goal The architecture of the network and the structural properties that it displays, plays a key role in the stability of the system as observed in all system domains. Different research employs different methods to support their findings about the robustness of the network under different conditions (Dunne, Williams and Martinez, 2002; Albert, Jeong and Barabà ¡si, 2000; Foti et Al, 2013). They illustrate their views about the relationship of connectance and other topological properties
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effective Tips for Harold Courlander Talk Essay Ashworth College Samples You Can Begin to Use Today
Effective Tips for Harold Courlander Talk Essay Ashworth College Samples You Can Begin to Use Today The Basic Facts of Harold Courlander Talk Essay Ashworth College Samples Luckily there are a few educational facilities where you are able to secure a degree free of charge. This course is directed at students that are proficient enough in English to adhere to an introductory level university training course. The greater education enterprise and American society both stand to gain in the future. If you succeed in turning into one of the lucky students, you will definitely enjoy a superb experience and will have the ability to express your potential to its fullest. College teaches a person to develop her or his capacity to learn. In this instance, Curtis Institute of Music might be the very best alternative. Learn more on the subject of the Build U. Scholarship. What's more, some organization which seek for specialized skills elect for professional qualifications which are usually offered outside universities. Not everybody is interested in university education as well as education itself. College's real or beneficial objective is to supply the foundation for a thriving life. Being an exceptional student is straightforward, check it yourself! There's some empirical data and commentary which is both beneficial and negative about whether there's much policy impact from premium quality research. In summary, it's been demonstrated that liberal arts are losing attention as an important portion of education. You don't need to brag but give an awareness of what you'd bring to the campusby highlighting your achievements. Due to the issues outlined above, it is strongly recommended that everybody needs to go to the university in order to use education as a tool of transforming the society. Custom writing means a critical company with high st andards. Everyone waits in hour-long lines to be able to find the best prices on gifts. Even if your class-time finishes before the conclusion of the reading, it may continue to be possible to accommodate you, based on the venue. However, prepare yourself to return the favor also. Harold Courlander Talk Essay Ashworth College Samples Fundamentals Explained In spite of the argument that not everybody needs to go to the university that has been discussed above, there's a dire need to make sure that as much people as possible have university qualifications. In wonderful demand for a lector. That altered the course dramatically, because knowing your classroom discussions are likely to end up as a book raises the degree of those discussions instantly. Such skills might comprise languages in order to communicate with others well. It's also essential to note that the foundations of basic education are laid via the use of liberal arts like languages. Please allow me to know what concerns or questions you may have. The majority of them help write terrific examples and improve grades. On the flip side, students may rent books. The university is attempting to shape a dynamic and hardworking category of students, so illustrate how you are going to set the college's resources to good use and that you've thought about your future. What you should do to receive a great grade. If you locate an error, please inform us. Charge card information has to be included with your on-line order to be qualified for the Free Shipping offer. Please be certain to include your complete address and contact number. Things You Should Know About Harold Courlander Talk Essay Ashworth College Samples Viewing college inside this manner is similar to viewing marriage for a business arrangement. The above mentioned subjects might have already sparked a concept of what you want to write about. Furthermore, one needs to not forget about numerous intriguing subjects a man or woman can take. Send it off and have confidence that you've just written an excellent essay. You will have to prepare a poster project and paper on a topic of your choice about the program, which will be shown at the conclusion of each semester in a distinctive session. The contest is currently closed. The Harold Courlander Talk Essay Ashworth College Samples Trap Read the short article and get to understand what to keep a watch out for! Once more, you access the website at your own risk. When you satisfy a genuine individual, they have an inclination to look you directly in the eye and several times they touch you to be able to connect. Figuring out which information is relevant can help you save you plenty of heartache in the future.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Leo Tolstoy free essay sample
What if there was a man who could influence the course of history, from writings he produced hundreds of years after he lived? What if this man had visionaries of a revolution that would change his country forever, before it was thought in the back of anyone else’s mind? What if I told you that there was a man who lived and did all those things, then what? His name was Leo Tolstoy. Born on August 28, 1828, and raised in Yasnaya Polyana, Russia. At the age of nine, he became an orphan, and was sent to live with his aunts. His aunts privately tutored him, which was a primitive source for education none the less. But at the age of 16, he was sent to the University of Kazan to study law and language. Shortly after he became bored with his classes, and moved back to Yasnaya without a degree. While there he struggled to try and educate the serfs, without much success. Eventually, Leo and his older brothers went to study at the University of Kazan in Tatarstan Russia. He studied oriental languages before switching to law but ultimately Just dropped out due to his excess partying and lack of desire to impress is teachers. He would often set goals to teach himself things throughout periods of time but would ultimately fail in light of all of his visits to friends of his in Moscow. Eventually Tolstoy developed a keen ability to think and philosophize about life, leading him to become the writer and intellectual famously known as Leo Tolstoy. Leo Tolstoy had a huge gambling problem. Leo Tolstoy was a man of many problems, and of these problems the most self-destructive one he had was gambling. Throughout much of his early life Leo loved to drink and gamble, the two kind of ame together like bread and butter for him. He eventually played so much and gathered such a mass amounts of debt; it led Leo to have to sell much of his familys estate which he had inherited. The fact that he was losing valuables left to him by his parents didnt seem to impede Tolstoy from enjoying the game, for he continued to collect debt to the point where he had to sell items on his person to cover some of the costs. He was very unable to live the virtuous life he wanted and didnt really stop drinking and gambling until his involvement with the Russian military. Tolstoy olunteered for the army. Leo Tolstoy was a huge Russian patriot; his brother was a soldier in the Crimean War against the Ottoman Empire and during a visit convinced Leo to Join himself (Ernst J. Simmons, 1973). Much persuasion wasnt needed because Leo had already fantasized about the glory that came from fghting in battle. When put on the front line, serving in an artillery regiment, Leo Tolstoy showed courage and valor and won many awards for his efforts. Tolstoy was asked to write a study of the artillery action during the final assault and report it to the authorities in St. Petersburg. This proved to be a great success and Leo Tolstoy was accepted into the Russian literary society and treated as a star due to his wonderful stories. Tolstoy Tolstoy had many peasants working on his 4,000 acres of land. He established schools for peasants all across his land in Yasnaya Polyana. Tolstoy didnt give them homework and didnt force them to learn or anything of that nature, he wanted them to take an interest in learning and educating themselves. For his goal was to alter the state of the Russian educational system. But this shows the two faced nature of Tolstoy because he also shows bitterness towards established order and the attempt to improve Russian society. Tolstoy was a very conflicted man. Leo Tolstoy was very adventurous. In February 1857, Leo Tolstoy after having slept with a neighbor, he decides to skip town and avoid the gossip and repercussions of his little debacle and go to experience Europe. He spent his time doing things like looking at art, attending lectures, going to the opera and the theater. Throughout his stay he also learned English and Italian. In Paris he sees his first public execution and gathers ideas about ow flawed the governments are that use capital punishment. On this vacation Tolstoy, in good faith, convinced a musician to serenade people at his residing hotel. When People gathered to see the musician play, no one tipped the man, disgruntled Tolstoy brings the man into the hotel bar so that they may drink. This would later be the subject of the short story Lucerne. Leo Tolstoy definitely knows how to have a good time but for what he really doesnt know is when to call in the cards. His trip comes to an unexpected halt when Tolstoy gambles all of his money away. After Being bailed out by his friend Ivan Turgenev, Leo Almost immediately loses the money to his addiction and returns back home to Russia (Troyat, 1967). Leo Tolstoy proved himself mightier than a bear. In December 1858 Leo and his brother Nicholas are hunting in the woods with many other at the invitation of the writer AA Fet. Walking through the forest Leo sees a bear running straight after him, he attempts to shot it but misses a first time and hits the bear in the mouth the second. The bear lunges for his face, clawing him and leaving him bloody before someone cared the bear away. The bear was able to gash his left check and trip some flesh from his forehead. He later writes in his diary that on December 21, he killed a bear and on December 22 a bear took a piece out of him too. Two weeks later, Leo Tolstoy walked into the forest in search for the bear that had wounded him. He would then walk out of the forest with three bears and his prize, the bear that had attacked him and would soon be his new fancy rug. Leo Tolstoy watched his brother die in his arms. Leo on another trip to Europe, accompanied by Marya (Leos sister) and her hree children are in the perfect situation to go and visit Nicholas (Leos older brother) whom is very ill with tuberculosis in the German spa town of Soden. Plans are made to go see Nicholas but Leo got too sidetracked with visiting German educationalists that two weeks have gone by without them visiting Nicholas. By the recommendation of doctors Leo, Marya, and her children move with Nicholas to the south of France and within a fortnight Nicholas died in Tolstoys arms. In July 1860 Leo Tolstoy watched his brother slowly slip within the absorption of himself into othing leaving him to feel that in death there is nothing to cling to. had Trouble with the females. Tolstoy never thought of himself as a very attractive fellow. He always had distaste for his physical self and didnt have too much of an outgoing personality either. With a thick brow, small eyes, big nose, and oversized why he lost his virginity to a prostitute but nevertheless, Leo Tolstoy ran a very interesting life. A life that eventually led him to become a very promiscuous man, looking for passion and love but only being able to appreciate it and never truly rasp its satisfaction. Leo Tolstoy Proposed with a letter. One night while visiting the home of a childhood friend Lyubov and Andrey Behrs. Their daughter Lisa and Sophia Behrs were very fond of Leo as he would of play word games with them. Leo quickly fell in love with Sophia and had to gain the courage to ask her to marriage. He couldnt do it and eventually Just wrote a letter to her explaining his feelings and desire to wed her. After some consideration Sophia accepted and was married within the week. On 23 September 1862 Leo Tolstoy married Sophia Andreevna Behrs (Maude, A. 1901). Leo Tolstoy had thirteen children. After his marriage to Sophia Behrs the couple moved to his familys estate Yasnaya Polyana. Their relationship full of love and passion is quickly ignited and their first child was born in June 1863 and is named Sergey, after Tolstoys surviving brother. Many children follow after: Tanya (1864), Ilya (1866), Leo (1869), Marya (Masha, 1871), Pyotr (1872, died from croup aged 14 months), Nicholas (1974, died of meningitis aged 10 months), Varvara (1975, who survived for less than an hour), Andrey (1877), Michael (1879), Alexis (1881, died of uinsy aged four years), Sasha (1884) and Vanichka (1988, died of scarlet fever aged seven years). Five of the thirteen children dont survive and Masha is the first adult to pass when she was his with pneumonia in her mid-30s. Leo Tolstoy was an anarchist. He believed that anarchy is a better system of government for people to live in, making a person more of an individual and ultimately act out of morality. Tolstoy did not believe in a violent revolution against government, for it would only cause a greater reaction making it a failed attempt every time. Joining the ranks of overnment doesnt work either in the eyes of Leo Tolstoy because one would only become its tool. Tolstoy expresses that the only impactful way of fighting government is through thought, speech, and actions, never yielding to government or Joining its ranks. Leo Tolstoys religious views are closely related to Buddhism. Tolstoy began to study religion some time before his spiritual awakening in his fifties. He studied religion not only for intellectual interest but also in search for the meaning of life. He then lives his life with his own Christian moral values thought to be ultimately orrect as a simple leading principle. He looked at many similar aspects in all religions that coincide with one another in an attempt to understand each distinct feature. When studying Buddhism he writes Read about Buddhism†its teaching. Wonderful. He continues to remark that it is the same as his teachings and that it more than wonderful. Leo Tolstoy was excommunicated. With such in depth views on the world and philosophies on life it was really only a matter of time for Tolstoy to be excommunicated. In the 1880s Tolstoy wrote essays that criticized the churches uthority, ultimately aggravating the higher placed members of the church. Leaving it at that until in 1901 when the Holy Synod nails posts to the door of all the churches signed by one archbishop, three bishops, and many others stating his removal from the church. Unfortunately for the church, kicking Leo Tolstoy out of the church only set people off. During a time when people are struggling to gain their freedoms from such a government, abolitionists can only look to Tolstoy in admiration. In a hailed as the devil in human form. Leo Tolstoy Wanted to go out with on last adventure. His wife Sophia grew much resentment of Leos religious views and it caused much hostility in the home.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Hostile Environment Essay Example
Hostile Environment Essay Hostile Environment Harassment occurs when unwanted sexual conduct interferes with a persons work. This interference doesnt necessarily have to be of a material nature which can be valued in monetary terms but it can be anything which makes the work environment intimidating. Hostile Environment Harassment is also often associated with verbal misconduct which embarrasses or humiliates a victim, which in turn could lead to lower job satisfaction and performance. (Barry Shaw, 1998) Quid-Pro-Quo Harassment is when a person uses his authority in the workplace to seek sexual favors from other employees. In this case rewards and punishments are associated with the compliance the victim (Barry Shaw, 1998). This again leads to a very negative outlook towards job motivation because here the way to the top is not portrayed to be hard work but rather the sexual favors one can do for their supervisors or managers. Besides lower job satisfaction and reduced productivity, sexual harassment hampers the target mentally as well. They lose their self-esteem and blame themselves for what has happened to them (Ackroyd Thompson, 1994). In Pakistan, considering the patriarchal social structure where most companies do not even have policies regarding sexual harassment and some which do, are not implemented or observed properly, women do not even come forward with their problems. They feel shame for what has happened, and might fear seclusion from the society which blames the woman for what has happened and ostracizes her. We will write a custom essay sample on Hostile Environment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Hostile Environment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Hostile Environment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There is always the matter of honor which is one of the leading causes for suicide in Pakistan. The biggest problem in our society is that we dont accept the fact that sexual harassment exists. Pakistani society, being an Islamic society should be more concerned about this because of the rights and the status Islam gives to women. In Islam women and men are given similar rights and duties. Women are allowed to own property, earn money and to express their opinion. What our society needs is for companies to have strict policies regarding sexual harassment. Sexual harassment should be clearly defined and the ways to proceed with a complaint should also be outlined. Most importantly the policy should also respect the privacy of the victim so that people dont have too much trouble coming forward with their complaints. Mentorship in organizations A mentor is an experienced or more senior person in the organization who gives a junior person special attention, such as giving advice and creating opportunities to assist him or her during the early stages of his or her career (Johns Saks, 1996). From an organizations point of view mentoring makes sure that the company culture and beliefs are transferred from one generation of employees to the next. It provides new employees with the information he needs to know so as to excel within the organization and in the process be an important asset to the company. At the same time she/he learns how to deal with his superiors, peers, etc (Vinnicombe Colwill, 1995). Proper mentorship has been linked to lowered levels of job stress (Johns Saks, 1996). Once again this poses a problem for women because most of the senior people in the organization are men. The problem arises as most of the male mentors are inexperienced when it comes to dealing with women. The problems they faced as they moved up through the organizations hierarchy might be quite different from the ones a woman would face thus the mentors would not be able to provide much help. When mentors undertake an apprentice under their mentorship its usually because they can reflect back to the time they had started work in this organization and they see their own past in the new young employee. So if the new employee is a woman, it is difficult for the mentors to identify themselves with the new employee. (Vinnicombe Colwill, 1995) Besides this whenever there is a lot of interaction between a senior man and a young new female employee people start perceiving their relationship as having a sexual nature (Johns Saks, 1996). This hinders the development of a productive working relationship which could benefit the organization and at the same time provide promotion opportunities for the woman worker. Another problem which is quite prevalent in our society is the father-daughter relationship. Females are always considered as Daddys little girl (Vinnicombe Colwill, 1995). They are always pampered and not made independent as is the case with males. This problem creeps up into organizations as well when senior male mentors consider their young female apprentices as their daughters and continue to pamper them and not really make them independent enough to handle the work without the presence of the mentor himself. It is often heard that behind the success of every man, there is a woman. This belief has led to an inherent bias in peoples mind which makes them think that theres a hard working man with a woman assisting him. This is labeled as the the assistant-to effect (Vinnicombe Colwill, 1995). Here if there is a male mentor and a female apprentice, the roles are often seen shifting from a mentor-apprentice relationship to a worker-helper relationship where the apprentice does learn the work, but once again not well enough to take over the work of the mentor when hes no longer there. According to a study it has been proved that mentoring plays a major role in career development of men and women both. Studies have shown that 61% women who have made it to top management positions have had a mentor somewhere along their career path and out of these 99% admit that their mentor played an important role in their progress through the organizational hierarchy. (Johns Saks, 1996) Conclusion Although the participation rate of women in the labor force has increased over the years. Being only 43% in 1970 and rising to 61% in 2003 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Fig. 2). The working conditions or the workplace still has to undergo some major changes before they are completely free of gender biased thinking. For the women to be on the same level as men in the workplace they will have to move on from the expressive roles that the functionalists argue as an important function of the society. According to Marx and the conflict perspective, it is the constant struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeois, in this case between the women and the men accordingly, which will lead to the necessary reforms being made in the workplace.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Choosing the Dreaded Day Job
Choosing the Dreaded Day Job (Society for Technical Communications) (Public Relations Society of America) (Society of Environmental Journalists job links) (list of top job websites)
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Evaluation of Historical archival material of Colosseum Essay
Evaluation of Historical archival material of Colosseum - Essay Example This "Evaluation of Historical archival material of Colosseum" essay describes the history of one of the greatest architectural achievements of the Roman Empire the Colosseum. The amphitheatre became the most popular and significant amphitheatre of its time and people used to flock from distant countries to watch the spectacles being displayed there. In order to comprehend why the building was able to attract so much attention and why similar buildings were not constructed before, one needs to highlight that the craze for such form of entertainment, such as gladiatorial fights, emerged only during the time span when the Roman Empire was at its peak. In the initial period after the construction, the spectacles were held primarily in circuses. Circuses were in essence U-shaped racecourse tracks, with the entrance being at one end of the track. Hordes of spectators used to fill the stands to view the spectacle, often putting their lives at risk since there was no protection. The stands used to be so crowded that those on the back could not even see the battle going on. According to Roth, architects could manipulate the space whichever way they like. The circus, although designed as a racecourse, was in fact intended for chariot and horse races and athletic events. It was the growing importance and interest in these spectacles and events which gave rise to the need for a public building. It is to be noted that the oldest permanent amphitheater which was built from stone was the one in Pompeii, constructed in 80 BC. The Colosseum was located in a strategically important location given the lack of transportation in the city. A significant important event which made the need for a public building more acute was the disastrous fire of 64 AD, occurring during the reign of Nero (Italy Holidays 2011). In fact, after it, the growth in city architecture occurred at a fast yet unorganized pace. Wood continued to be the characteristic material of buildings in the reconstruction of the city; thus not depriving the city of its previous appearance. From July 18 to 25, it took more than seven days for the fire to die out. The fire ate away most of the part of the city which was characterized as its older part. After the fire had settled down, Rome was left with gaping spaces caused by burnt out buildings, particularly in its heart. This was the opportunity city planners were waiting for to make buildings with the principles of modern architecture. Opinions differ but Nero was held
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
International marketing (report 1) Research Paper
International marketing (report 1) - Research Paper Example According to study in Australia website, most of the Australian population live in the narrow, fertile eastern coastal plain, and on the southeastern coast, which is favourable for surfing (â€Å"Study in Australia†web). In addition, warm beaches in Australia attract surfing sporting activities. Surfing activity has certain geographical requirements. First, as much as surfers have to acquire skills to enable them ride on the waves, it is required of them to have background knowledge on the topology of the place. That is the topography or service features present on the beach. In addition, they must be good swimmers and be apt to the changing weather. Australian beaches have a considerable topology and depth that allow surfing. Secondly, Surfers seek out for strong waves called swells, which are stable waves that form far away from the beach. A surfer must calculate his moves well not to fall into the rocks as the wave breaks. Wind strength and fetch determines the strength of a swell. A fetch is a geographical term that predicts the stretch of open water over which the wind is blowing. Australian beaches have great fetches where water blows before reaching the land or the rocks. Additionally, reefs, sand bars, and narrow wave bases on the Australian beaches support this sor ting activity especially for experienced surfers. It is dangerous for inexperienced surfers who risk being crashed upon a rock, reef, or being dumped far beneath the surface. At the coasts of Australia, the government has employed some game warders to enforce some coastal laws. Some of the laws related to surfboards include those restricting minors from operating minor watercraft. Persons under 14 years are restricted from using watercrafts. Each person surfing or under a watercraft is required to wear a stipulated coast guard protective devices like a life jacket. That is each surfer has to wear a life jacket
Monday, January 27, 2020
Media Rights for Barclays Premier League in Singapore
Media Rights for Barclays Premier League in Singapore 1. Background Information In 1998, StarHub first introduced the English Premier League to Singapore and has constantly secured broadcasting rights for the past 12 years. During that period, local telecommunications rival, SingTel, has launched their own pay-TV service named mio TV on July 2007, signaling its intention to rival StarHub to be the nations main pay-TV provider. In 2008, SingTel made its first step by securing the media rights to the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League from 2009 to 2012. With the rights for these prestigious European football competitions, many StarHub pay-TV customers were forced to sign up with SingTels mio TV to satisfy their needs. One year on, in October, SingTel rocked the nation by announcing their victory in the bidding war for the media rights for the English Premier League, which is known now as the Barclays Premier League, from 2011 to 2013. The victory was greeted with dismay from many football fans, as they now have to make the jump from StarHubs pay-TV over to mio TV to get their dosage of English football. This effectively ended StarHubs 12-year broadcasting rights of the league, which would certainly result in a fall of subscribers in time to come. 2. Purpose of the Report This report aims to identify the various economic concepts shown in the textbook, and show how they are applicable in the actual business world using the decisions of StarHub and SingTel as examples. 3. The Art and Science of Economic Analysis 3.1 The Economic Problem In the article, it is clearly identified that the resources which led to Starhub bringing in the Barclays Premier League (BPL) to Singapore are human capital and the entrepreneurial ability of the firm. Human capital was shown in the form of knowledge they had on the wants of the locals, and the entrepreneurial ability of StarHub made them realize that they could profit from this project. It was exactly the same two factors that led SingTel to wrestle for the BPL media rights from StarHub. Having observed the huge economic benefits StarHub enjoyed with the monopoly of the BPL media rights in Singapore, SingTel realized they too, would profit hugely from the ownership of the BPL media rights. Thus, SingTel launched a bid to rival StarHub for the rights, which sparked off a bidding war between the two telecommunications firm. Eventually, SingTel earned the rights to broadcast the leagues game for the next 3 years, starting from 2010. 3.2 The Science of Economic Analysis SingTels decision to foray into the Pay-TV market and especially, the market for televised sports like soccer is not due to a normative economic statement, or opinion, made by their staff. Instead, it has been based on a positive economic statement, which is backed by concrete facts. The decision to outbid StarHub for the BPL media rights was greeted by the stock market with changes to the share prices of both firms. StarHubs price dived 16 cents to a low of $2.01 before closing at $2.03 yesterday. SingTels share price rose from $3.25 to $3.31 before closing at $3.28. (A whole new ball game in pay-tv market, 2009, October) This supports the statement that the local market for the BPL is lucrative, as the stock market has made changes to reflect the expected future gains of SingTel, and the foreseen loss of StarHub. Having said so, the change in the share prices are definitely in response to SingTels successful bid, thus eliminating the possibility that the fallacy that association is causation was committed. 4. Economic Tools and Economic Systems 4.1 Three Economic Questions Of course, before the bid was launched, SingTel had to know what to do should they win the bid. Hence, the three economic questions learned in Microeconomics come into play. Firstly, SingTel has identified the broadcasting of Barclays Premier League matches as a service they wish to provide to the nation. Secondly, the launch of mio TV in 2007 paved the way for the bid, with SingTel in the clear that they would use the mio TV as a portal to broadcast programmes, especially the BPL games in the future. With the above two questions answered, SingTels ultimate aim was to overtake StarHub as the nations leading pay-TV provider. Hence, their target market would be the existing subscribers to StarHubs pay-TV, and more notably, the huge number of subscribers to the BPL games and other sports programmes. 4.2 Negative Spillover Costs Negative spillover costs have been incurred with SingTels foray into the local pay-TV market. This is supported by the article which mentioned that SingTels foray into pay TV which split the football content which previously all resided with StarHub actually fuelled soccer fans ire. Thanks to competition between the duo, they said, football fans have to sign up for both StarHub and SingTels pay-TV services to enjoy all of the matches they had previously received when StarHub was the sole pay-TV player. (A whole new ball game in pay-tv market, 2009, October) With that, it is clear that the move by SingTel has not gone down well with sports subscribers of StarHubs pay-TV and has created unnecessary inconvenience. 5. Economic Decision Makers 5.1 The Firm The answers from the three economic questions, namely what service to produce, how and who to produce the service for, reiterates the fact that SingTel is a firm, just like StarHub. Firms are economic units created by entrepreneurs looking to earn money through the combination of the various resources to produce a good or provide a form of service. A more specific term to describe SingTel and StarHub are that they are separate corporations. Corporations are one of the most highly-valued forms of business, often equipped with significant financial power. Funds can be raised quickly through the sale of the corporations stocks, which also leads to the company having an array of stockholders. Behind the strong financial wealth are several drawbacks. Firstly, stockholders are unable to have a significant say in the operations of the corporations with their votes making up only a minority. Instead, a board of directors is often entrusted with the job of making corporate decisions with their bigger shares. Corporate income is also taxed twice, resulting in more profits being used to pay taxes. Despite that, corporate incomes are often huge sums of money, and the taxes would not be able to affect it much. 6. Demand, Supply and Markets 6.1 Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium for SingTels mio TV For SingTels mio TV, the demand and supply increases by the same value. The increase in demand is attributed to the successful bid of SingTel for the Barclays Premier Leagues media rights. With the media rights, SingTel is able to broadcast the BPL games on their pay-TV service. This would cause a significant increase in the subscribers for mio TV as the subscribers want their dosage of BPL football. This is in line with the taste and preferences of the subscribers, which is a determinant of demand. Hence, there will be a rightward shift for demand. The change in supply for SingTels mio TV is due to SingTels expectations on the future prices of their sports package, which is a determinant of supply. With the hype for the BPL matches present now, it would bring along sales for the sports package. However, in a years time, people might be more interested in other sporting events, and the BPL matches would not appeal as much to the public. As a result, SingTel would then have to reduce their prices to increase sales as the sport package would turn into a luxury product, instead of a necessity. This would see a leftward shift for supply. With an identical shift in the demand and supply curve, the equilibrium price will remain the same. 6.2 Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium for StarHubs pay-TV For StarHubs pay-TV, a fall in demand has been observed. This is a result of their failure to continue providing Singapore with the BPL matches on their pay-TV service. As such, consumers desperate for their fix of football decided to make the jump to SingTels mio TV due to their taste and preference for the BPL matches. This is the determinant of demand that causes the fall in demand. There is no change reflected in the supply curve as the channels in the sports package are still present. However, the only difference is the removal of the BPL content. Hence, there is no change in supply. As such, the equilibrium price has reduced to account for the fall in demand. 7. Elasticity of Demand and Supply 7.1 Price Elasticity For many Singaporeans, the Barclays Premier League matches are not considered as a necessity to them. Hence, the demand of SingTels sports package is more price elastic to the general public. This means that they are very responsive to changes in the price plans for the matches, and would be unlikely to sign up for the package should it be too pricey. However, to the football fans in the nation, it is a content they are not able to live without. Therefore, the demand of the package is less price elastic to them, suggesting they are not responsive to price changes. This indicates that they would be willing to sign up for the package, regardless of the change in price. 7.2 Income elasticity With the nation recovering quickly from the economic recession, as seen from the recent reports stating that Singapores economy expanded at a stunning pace of 19.3 per cent in the second quarter of 2010. (Singapore economy zooms 19.3% in Q2, 2010, July), the money income of consumers has risen. To them, SingTels sports package is a normal good, as compared to StarHubs sports package, which has been deemed as an inferior good. This is highly due to SingTels success in securing the media rights for the BPL games, which allows them to broadcast the BPL games and other related programmes on mio TV. Thus, with the increase in money income of consumers, they would be more willing to purchase the sports package launched by SingTel. 8. Production and Cost 8.1 Costs in the Long Run and Economies of Scale Firstly, the successful bid for the BPL media rights and ESPN Star Sports brought an increase to the amount of channels available for mio TV. This would indicate an increase in the output by SingTel. Next, average cost for SingTel decreases as they would see an increase in subscribers, especially with football fans rushing to sign up for their sports package. This would cover up the cost incurred between q and qa. Lastly, with the increase in customers for SingTels mio TV service, they would have to increase their plant size to cater to the increase in demand. The plant size could increase in the form of having more service centers around the island, with more technicians and customer service officers hired to meet demands. This would open up the opportunity to create a more extensive division of labour, reflected from qa to q. In the long run, SingTels decision to take over as the exclusive broadcaster of BPL content would enable them to earn a tidy sum of profit. SingTel was not afraid of suffering losses even though StarHub reported that they lose money from providing sports content to pay-TV customers. (A whole new ball game in pay-tv market, 2009, October) They knew that as they were the only pay-TV operator showing BPL content, they would be able to benefit from the media rights with business opportunities coming in from all over the market, including advertising and partnership deals. 8.2 Explicit and Implicit Costs In the case of SingTel, they have incurred both explicit and implicit costs in their decision to outbid StarHub for the BPL media rights. The explicit costs incurred are the money spent on bidding for the exclusive media rights for the Barclays Premier League and the cost of operating mio TV. The implicit costs, also known as the opportunity cost incurred, would be the reduction of their budgets to spend on other genres of programmes. This reduces their ability to bid for other genres of programmes such as primetime blockbusters. 9. Oligopoly Duopoly 9.1 Barriers to Entry With only two pay-TV operators in Singapore, the oligopoly could be identified as a duopoly. A duopoly is a form of oligopoly where only two dominant players are present in a market. As with all kinds of market structure, barriers to entry are in place to deter additional competition. Firstly, there is a high-start up cost involved to enter the pay-TV industry. With bids starting from six-figure sums, a lack of start-up funds would certainly spell the end of the new company as they would not be able to compete with the financial power of StarHub and SingTel. Secondly, StarHub and SingTel have been around for some time, establishing a reputation along the way. The general public is more accustomed to these brands, and any new entrants to the pay-TV market would find it hard to persuade customers to switch to their service. This is true till they are able to force competition through providing exclusive content that the customers demand or other attractive deals. In the case of SingTels mio TV, their original entry to the industry back in 2007 was tough as StarHub was the only established player in the market. SingTels mio TV was finally able to garner the support of customers when they secured the rights to the elite European football competitions. Lastly, the new entrants would probably suffer losses early on, as a large output is required before low production costs can be achieved. This is also known as the economies of scale. The economies of scale would not benefit the new entrants as it takes time to establish high economies of scale. This would put them at a disadvantage as they are unable to effectively compete with the other pay-TV providers. 9.2 Price Leadership Price leadership refers to a player in the market that establishes a price for the rest of the industry to abide to. The player that sets the market price is usually one of the forerunners in the industry, and others in the market would follow suit. This is practiced to avoid price competition as everyones prices will be kept the same. In the case of SingTel, after they have taken over the media rights for the BPL games from StarHub, pressure was inflicted by the public for prices to remain the same. Fans feared that a change in ownership of the rights would cause a hike in the price for BPL matches, due to the exorbitant bid made by SingTel for the rights. Hence, SingTel agreed to maintain the same price that StarHub used to charge for their sports package, appeasing the public. Thus, price competition was not present in this scenario. $25 million StarHub pay-TV SingTel mio TV Raise Raise Maintain Maintain $25 million $20 million $20 million $20 million $25 million $20 million $25 million9.3 Game Theory SingTels huge bid for the Barclays Premier League media rights was not made without any form of theory. Instead, SingTel and StarHubs bids for the BPL media rights could be represented by the game theory. In the game theory presented above, the figures used are generic as the actual bid was not disclosed to the public. The objective of the game theory is to avoid the worst possible outcome, which in this scenario, is losing the bid for the rights. Hence, neither SingTel nor StarHub would think of maintaining their current bid. This is because if the other party decides to raise their bid, it would effectively rule them out of the competition. Thus, neither side would maintain their bid, ruling out the option of both parties maintaining their bids. As such, the only likely choice would be for both telecommunications firm to raise their bid. The difference was that SingTel decided to raise their bid significantly, which outweighed StarHubs raised bid with ease. Hence, SingTel obtained the media rights for the Barclays Premier League. 10. Conclusion In conclusion, SingTel has come a long way to achieve its goal of overtake StarHub as Singapores dominant pay-TV operator in sports. When SingTel first started, they experienced difficulties attracting customers as they were unable to rival what StarHub was able to offer to its subscribers. It was only when they obtained the broadcasting rights for the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League that football-mad customers decided to make the switch to SingTels mio TV. A year ago, SingTel stepped up its attempt to overtake StarHub by outbidding the latter for the BPL media rights for the next three years. Their successful bid enabled them to be the new price leader in the industry, and many football fans from StarHub made the jump from StarHubs pay-TV to SingTels mio TV to get their fix of football. This led to an increase in demand of SingTels mio TV, and a fall in demand for StarHubs pay-TV. Looking at the long term benefits, SingTels costs have been reduced due to an increase in the economies of scale, through establishing more service centers and hiring more workers to meet the increased demand. With a huge number of customers making the switch from StarHub pay-tv to SingTel mio TV due to their need for football, it has allowed SingTel to overtake StarHub as the nations dominant pay-TV operator in sports.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Hurricane Katrina: A Man-made Disaster Essay -- Emergency Management E
At 7:10 EDT on August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina made landfall, etching lasting memories of those living in and around the New Orleans, Louisiana. It was this day that Hurricane Katrina came ashore and caused what was to be thought as one of the â€Å"most destructive storm in terms of economic losses†("Hurricane Katrina â€â€," 2007) of all times. Who was to be blamed for the failure in emergence management response and preparation, no one seemed to know or understand. Those left in the wake of this disaster could only stand by and wonder who was at fault, what preparation were to be in place and why wasn’t there a quicker response to help the hundreds of thousands that needed immediate aid and disaster assistance. Failures of the Katrina Disaster According to Howard Dean "Before Katrina, everyone, including America's friends and enemies, believed if something awful happened in the world, you could call in the Americans and they'd fix it" (Dean, 2008). These were the thoughts of Howard Dean and many others as they looked back on President Bush’s legacy of eight years in office. But, was he the only one to blame or should we also look at the chain of command up and down that was responsible for the proper actions that should have been taken? In the corporate world it is believed that if things fail then the blame should be placed on the president or the chief executive office (CEO) of the company because of their responsibility within the corporation, but is that fair? The failure of Katrina was long before written in the failure through the inefficiency of the local, state and federal government when it came to emergence management preparation. Arnold Howitt and Herman Leonard stated in their article, Katrina and the Core Ch... ...s, Louisiana. Works Cited Haddow, G. D., Bullock, J. A., & Coppola, D. P. (2010).Introduction to emergency management. (4th ed., pp. 1-26). Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. Howitt, A. M., & Leonard, H. B. (2006). Katrina and the core challenges of disaster response. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 30:1 winter 2006. (2005). Frontline "the storm". (2009). [Web Video]. Retrieved from Dean, H. (2008). Hurricane Katrina left a mark on George W. Bush’s presidency. U.S. News & World Report, Retrieved from (2007). Hurricane Katrina  most destructive hurricane ever to strike the u.s. national Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce, Retrieved from
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Operating System Security Flaws Essay
As basic users, security is one feature that most of us overlook when it comes to operating systems until it is too late. In this paper we will discuss the security flaws within the Windows Operating system, and then discuss countermeasures to fix the system flaw. We will first look at some known flaws in Windows 7 and Windows 8. An Information Security Engineer at Google had decided to reveal a flaw that affected two of Microsoft’s newest operating systems that allowed attackers to obtain higher privileges on an unpatched computer. The vulnerability was caused due to an error within the ‘win32k.sys’ when it processes certain objects and it can be exploited to cause a crash or perform arbitrary code with kernel privilege. A more recent flaw in Windows has been identified as the Zero-Day Vulnerability; the Microsoft Windows Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) package manager remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2014-4114) permits attackers to embed OLE files fro m external locations. CVE-2014-4114 flaw can be exploited to download and install malware on to the target’s computer. This vulnerability affects all versions of Windows to include; Windows Vista Service Pack 2, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server versions 2008 and 2012. The Microsoft technology allows rich data from one document to be embedded in another document or link to a document. The OLE is usually used for embedding locally stored content but this flaw allows the unprompted download and execution of external files. The attackers send the targeted individuals or corporations a spear-phishing email that contains a malicious PowerPoint (PPT) file attachment; this email is detected by Symantec as Trojan.Mdropper. The sent file contains two embedded OLE documents containing URLs. If the targeted individual opens the PPT file, the URLs are contacted and two files are downloaded which in turn will install the malware on the computer. When the malware is installed on the victim’s computer, this creates a back door that allows the attackers to download and install other malware; the malware can a lso download updates for itself to include an information stealing component. Microsoft is advising customers that there is no patch currently available for this vulnerability; they have supplied a fixit tool that decreases the attacks. While the present exploits are using PowerPoint files to deliver the malware, given the type of flaw, they may start using different office files such as word documents or excel spreadsheets. The second zero-day vulnerability is CVE-2014-4113, which is a local elevation of privilege vulnerability; this flaw has been seen in attacks against Windows Server 2003/R2, 2008/R2, Windows 2000, Windows Vista and Windows XP SP3. This flaw cannot be used on its own to compromise a victim’s security. The attacker would need to gain access to a remote system running any of the above lists operating systems before they could execute code within the context of the Windows Kernel. (â€Å"Sandworm Windows Zero-Day Vulnerability Being Actively Exploited In Targeted Attacks†, 2014). Microsoft’s security advisory states the company is vigorously working to provide broader protections to their customers; the company states that the resolution of the issue may include providing a security update through a monthly patch update or providing an unscheduled security update. As stated above Microsoft issued a temporary fixit tool that can be applied to 32-64 bit versions of PowerPoint 2007, 2010 and 2013. This can be used until an official patch is released. Also another countermeasure to avoid downloading malware on to your operating system is not open any PowerPoint Presentations or documents from unknown parties, even mail from known addresses should be avoided unless you can confirm with the sender that the email was intentionally sent. Many emails are compromised because some individuals make their passwords to easy or they have downloaded spyware and the attacker gets that information and uses their email to send out their virus to other users. I have received emails from my mother when I didn’t expect them and I would inform her that her email had been hacked. Many are not aware that this has happened unless they are told, References: Google Engineer Finds Critical Windows 7 / 8 Security Flaw. (2001-2014). Retrieved from Sandworm Windows zero-day vulnerability being actively exploited in targeted attacks. (2014). Retrieved from
Friday, January 3, 2020
Landerville Business Plan Essay - 2702 Words
Business Plan LANDERVILLE INVESTMENT AGENCY By: Billy Hill October 3, 2009 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary for Landerville Investment Agency 2. Business Description and Financing 3. Tax Lien Business 4. Tax Lien Market 5. Operations and Procedures 6. Bidding and Property Risks 7. Projected Profit 8. Conclusion 1. Executive Summary for Landerville Investment Agency, LLC Landerville Investment Agency’s goal will be to purchase tax liens from state government and city treasurer auctions and recoup the funds from the owner. State governments and city treasures will issue a lien against residential and business properties in an effort to recoup the owed tax money (Carr, 2003). After I have†¦show more content†¦This company research and act quickly to purchase tax liens certificates deemed to be on good properties but the main goal will be to recoup funds from property owners (Merrit, 2009). Foreclosure will be the last resort, but the company will have to recoup their cost in order to make a profit (Merritt, 2009). City governments and county treasurers in more than thirty states have authorized the selling and purchasing of tax lien certificates on homes and businesses (Moreau, D., amp; Goldwasser, J., 1993). 3. Tax Lien Business What are tax liens? When a home owner fails to pay their real estate taxes, the county or city treasurer will place a lien on the property to ensure payment of the money owed (Carr, 2003). The tax lien is the legal assertion the county takes to recoup a specific amount of money against a property (Carr, 2003). Since it is a legal action the tax lien, the court records the action as part of the land record file (Carr, 2003). If the owner tries to sell or refinance the property the recorded lien would have to be financially satisfied before any ownership change (Carr, 2003). In some states such as California the owner can transfer the property title to another name, but if they want to sell the home or refinance then they will have to pay off the lien (Carr, 2006). Tax liens apply to residential and business properties. In the United States there are many states that sell tax liens on
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