Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Character Analysis and pick one of those .William Faulkner, A Rose for Essay
Character Analysis and pick one of those .William Faulkner, A Rose for Emily, and Andre Dubus, Killings - Essay Example Emily has murdered Homer since society executed her autonomy and joy first because of social class and sexual orientation standards. At the outset, the story presents Emily with both profound respect and analysis in light of her group status. Emily has a place with a group of a privileged family that is regarded in the network. At the point when she kicked the bucket, the storyteller expresses that she has gone to where her social class went to, alongside â€Å"representatives of those august names†(Faulkner par.2). She is a Grierson, one of the most regarded names around. The tone of the story blends regard and mocking, in any case. The storyteller portrays the house as he would the Griersons: â€Å"...only Miss Emilys house was left, lifting its difficult and teasing rot over the cotton carts and the fuel pumpsâ€an blemish among eyesores†(Faulkner par.2). The tone difficulties the Griersons for staying unrivaled when they have lost their riches and impact as of now. As the story advances, Emily opens up to the network a bit, which the individuals regard since they feel compassion toward her after her oppressive dad passed on and in light of the fact that she is an old, single lady. The storyteller makes a decision about the Griersons as excessively pleased with themselves. He utilizes the words â€Å"high and forceful Griersons†as opposed to the â€Å"gross, overflowing world†due to the smell originating from Emily’s house (Faulkner standard. 16). It shows how social class influences the group of friends of Emily. Simultaneously, sexual orientation is additionally an issue for Emily. Her dad controlled her life when he was alive. The storyteller proposes this when he says: â€Å"None of the youngsters were very sufficient for Miss Emily and such†(Faulkner standard. 25). Sexual orientation esteems that anticipate that her should regard her father’s choice have transformed her into an old lady. All things cons idered, she opens up a little when she had China-painting exercises and turned out to be impractically associated with Homer. Emily gives her autonomy after her dad
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Relationships with the Dead in Wordsworths We Are Seven and Hardys Di
Associations with the Dead in Wordsworth's We Are Seven and Hardy's Diggingâ â [One] can outlive passing not in a perfect after life however just in a human one. On the off chance that the writer passes on or overlooks his adored, he kills her (Ramazani 131); Thomas Hardy's conviction of the artist's obligation of recognition sets up the reason for his, Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?. [Fearing] he relinquished his own significant other before her demise, Hardy composed the sonnet to accept the remembrance duties of the writer (Ramazani 131). While Hardy attempts to give penance for his wrongdoings by ceaselessly lamenting over his dead spouse, the fuel behind William Wordsworth's We Are Seven, is an issue of being and presence (Trilling 57). This inquiry originates from the reality that nothing was more hard for [Wordsworth] in youth than to concede the thought of death as a state appropriate to his own being (Noyes 60). Regardless of the endlessly various expectations of the artists, Hardy and Wordsworth both portray connections between the living and the de ad in their sonnets; notwithstanding, while Hardy entertainingly caricaturizes how the living overlook the dead, Wordsworth shows a youngster's refusal to recognize the dead as being gone. In their sonnets, Hardy and Wordsworth both inspire the utilization of discussion; nonetheless, the anecdotal discussion in Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?, differentiates the non-anecdotal exchange in We Are Seven. Solid's sonnet utilizes the number show of 'The Unquiet Grave'- a discourse among living and dead (Johnson 48), for this situation, between an expired lady and her canine; Wordsworth's sonnet comprises of a real encounter he had with a young lady when he went through Europe. Strong's readiness to utilize immaterial voices for the expected motivation behind making... ...ument Wordsworth raises, the young lady answers, Nay, we are seven! (Wordsworth 1333). She comes up short on the capacity to acknowledge demise and this [absence] of mindfulness [makes] the sonnet so contacting (Drabble 51). What started as a straightforward ordinary discussion completed as an educational and fairly enthusiastic sonnet. Wordsworth, through a genuine discussion, presents the lack of definition and perplexity which in adolescence go to our thought of death, or rather our powerlessness to concede that idea' (Noyes 60). In direct difference to Wordsworth, who didn't expect to writie a profound, significant sonnet, Hardy knew precisely what he needed to achieve by expressing, Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave. People also effectively expel the dead from their recollections, and Hardy needed to scold his perusers of the significance of recalling the dead; on the grounds that the dead are gone, they ought not be overlooked.
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Recognize a Malignant Narcissist
How to Recognize a Malignant Narcissist Relationships Print How to Identify a Malignant Narcissist By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on January 27, 2020 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW on January 27, 2020 skynesher / Getty Images More in Relationships Spouses & Partners LGBTQ Violence and Abuse While narcissism has been a personality trait that has been around for a long time, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and narcissistic personality traits have been in the public eye more often in recent years. As awareness increases surrounding narcissistic traits, people are wondering if they are dealing with a narcissist rather than someone who is simply selfish, thoughtless, or overly power-seeking in a more general way. Narcissists are a specific type of person and dealing with them is never easy. That’s why it helps to know when you have one in your life and what to expect from interactions with them. This knowledge, recognition, and understanding can provide you with some clues as to how to deal with them in the safest way possible. 1:24 How to Identify a Malignant Narcissist Narcissism vs. Narcissistic Personality Disorder Its important to note that those with narcissistic traits arent necessarily diagnosable with the personality disorder NPD. Personality disorders are stable maladaptive patterns of behavior that involve at least two of the following four areas, according to the American Psychological Association (APA): cognitive (thought patterns), affective (emotional patterns), interpersonal (patterns of relating to others), and impulse-control-based. Personality disorders create an impairment in how people function in their lives and affect an estimated 10 percent of the population in the US, though there are different types of personality disorders. This means that not everyone who has some of these traits is diagnosable with this personality disorder, but they may have a less severe form of this pattern of behavior that can still be problematic and difficult to deal with. How to Spot a Narcissistic Sociopath Types of Narcissists While there is only one official diagnosis for narcissists, there are different variants of narcissism or different types of narcissists, and narcissism comes in varying degrees of severity. A 2012 review of the research on narcissism identified several of these variants including grandiose narcissists, who seem to require excessive praise and attention, and vulnerable narcissists, who tend to have a lot of anxiety and need a lot of supportive attention. Among the variants of narcissism, however, malignant narcissists are by far the most damaging. Beyond merely wanting to focus primarily on themselves and be held in overly high regard by virtually everyone in their lives, they tend to have a darker side to their self-absorption. This subset contains the general traits of NPD including the regular egocentricity, but also some antisocial traits and even a sadistic streak in addition to a poor sense of self and lack of empathy. In fact, some experts see little difference between malignant narcissists and psychopaths in that both have a sadistic, antisocial streak, and very little empathy. There is often some paranoia involved with malignant narcissism as well. Malignant narcissists can be highly manipulative and they dont care who they hurt as long as they get their own way. They see the world in black-and-white terms, including seeing others as either friend or foe. They seek to win at all costs and generally leave a great amount of pain, frustration, and even heartache in their wake. They generally don’t care about the pain they cause othersâ€"or may even enjoy it and experience it as empoweringâ€"and will do what it takes to prevent themselves from loss, inconvenience, or failing to get what they want in any situation. Identifying Narcissists in Your Life While not every person who displays narcissistic traits is a classic “narcissist†in the sense that they have the diagnosable condition of NPD, even those who fail to meet the criteria for diagnosis can create a lot of harm with the traits they do possess. Further, it’s unethical for a trained therapist to diagnose friends and family with NPD (due to potential bias) and it’s certainly not an official diagnosis for a layperson to view the diagnostic criteria and decide that someone they know has a psychological disorder. Narcissists generally resist therapy (which can include diagnosis) because they tend to be happyâ€"far happier than those in their lives because they don’t face the negative consequences of their disorder, their unfortunate targets do. Because discomfort is what generally brings people to therapy, narcissists themselves rarely seek treatment or diagnosis, which means that sometimes we can’t have a firm diagnosis for someone who has NPD, but we can recognize that they “probably†have it based on how closely they appear to fit the criteria. It helps to know this because their behavior can sometimes feel unpredictable but actually does follow a somewhat predictable pattern if you know what to look for. The following is an abbreviated summary of the diagnostic criteria for NPD according to the DSM-V, which is the industry standard for diagnosis of psychological conditions. A grandiose sense of self-importanceA preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.A belief that he or she is “special†and unique and can only be understood by or should associate with similar high-status people and organizations A need for excessive admiration.A sense of entitlement or unreasonable expectation of special treatment or extreme loyalty A tendency to use others for their own needs or wantsA lack of empathy, or unwillingness/inability to recognize and honor the needs and feelings of othersProneness to envy or having a belief that they are envied by othersA sense of arrogance shown in behaviors and/or attitudes Again, while a clinical diagnosis cant be made from observation from friends and family, it helps to know what the criteria are as it can provide an idea of how close someone might be to fitting the profile. A less clinical simpler way to tell if someone in your life may have narcissistic tendencies is to look at signs and symptoms, which are observable traits and behaviors that tend to go hand-in-hand with disorders. Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder, particularly malignant narcissists, generally: Care quite a bit about their appearance and can come across as quite charmingExpect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it, and will discount any evidence that doesnt support their belief of their own superiorityExaggerate their own achievements and talents, even to the point of lyingAre often preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mateAre highly manipulativeTend to project their bad behavior onto others, meaning they may accuse you of the very behavior they are conductingMonopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferiorArent opposed to taking advantage of others to get what they wantFail to see or value the needs and feelings of othersHave no remorse for hurting others and rarely apologize unless it will benefit them in some wayInsist on having the best of everything and believe that they deserve thisArent able to handle criticism and lash out if they feel slighted in any wayHave a poor sense of self and weak ability to regulate their feelings and actionsSecretly feel insecure and have a week sense of self How to Deal With a Narcissist If the description of a narcissist sounds familiar and has you concerned, this is probably a good thing. Knowing that you may be dealing with someone who could hurt you and having some concern for yourself in this situation can help you to protect yourself from the pain that a malignant narcissist can cause, at least to an extent. How does one deal with NPD in a loved one (or in someone they must deal with, like a co-worker)? Fortunately, they are somewhat predictable, so there are a few guidelines that can help. Accept that they will be difficult to deal with. Put some distance between yourself and them whenever possible. This may be challenging as those with narcissistic traits tend to have poor boundaries and resent when you try to set them, but it is healthier for you.Know that if you challenge them directly, they will likely retaliate in any way they can. This may include bringing others into the situation and attempting to turn them against you. This doesnt mean that you agree with whatever the narcissist asks of you, but you may want to find less confrontational ways to communicate your boundaries or disagreements. If you do need to confront the person, try not to do so in front of a large audience or they will want to save face and will feel more threatened, sparking more retaliation.Do not try to change them and dont expect them to change or you will be disappointed.Surround yourself with supportive people as much as possible to absorb some of the negativity you may experience with t his person. Life with a narcissist will never be easy, so its simplest if you can put distance between yourself and this person. However, if this person is a family member or co-worker, this can be more difficult. In this case, it helps to know who you are dealing with and how to handle communication in as healthy a way as possible. How to Recognize Someone With Covert Narcissism
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